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[M] - blood

"Sorry Yuri but this is going to hurt."

"I-I'll be fine..."

Eunbi nodded as she came closer, the sleeve of Yuri's shirt cut off to expose a fresh bullet wound.

The hamster jerked away as Eunbi applied water to the wound, "Yena, Yujin, hold Yuri down."

The duck intertwined her hand with Yuri's, giving her girlfriend a reassuring smile as she held her down with her other hand.


"I can't."

The eldest glanced behind her to see Yujin stare in fear directly at the wound, "Yujin-ah, you don't have to look, just hold Yuri down."

"Aren't you an athlete too? I'm sure you've been hurt many times."

"N-no no no I just c-can't."

Worry crinkled Eunbi's brows as the puppy took a step back, her hands trembling.

"I-I'm sorry unnies."


The second youngest fled the room, leaving everyone with confused expressions.

"I'll go after her."

"I'll come with you just in case."

Eunbi nodded at the two girls, Hyewon and Wonyoung running off to follow Yujin as Chaeyeon took the basketball player's place.

"Bite down on this Yuri, it should help a little."

"T-thanks unnie..."

~ ~ ~

"She's over there."

Hyewon and Wonyoung followed Yujin out the building they were in, rounding to the back to see the puppy stare at her shaking hands with widened, glazed eyes.

"I'll talk to her."

Hyewon gazed into Wonyoung's eyes before nodding, "I'll be right here."

The bunny slowly walked around the corner, the puppy jumping from the crunching of leaves but not turning around.

"Yujin-unnie... It's me, Wonnie."

"O-oh h-hey Wonyoung-ah, just taking in a bit of f-fresh air is all."

Yujin let out an awkward laugh as she pretended to stretch, the maknae arriving at the girl's side.

"What's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing's wrong."

Yujin tensed as Wonyoung rested her hand on her shoulder, "unnie, you know you can trust me right?"

"Yeah o-of course! I do trust you Wonyoung."

"Then tell me what's wrong."


Yujin sighed as she ruffled her head back, "I... I really do trust you Wonyo, but I don't want to bring it up."

"Why not?"

'Then you won't trust me.'

"It's painful, I don't even want to think about it."

The bunny nodded, wrapping her arms around the older girl's neck, "I understand, you don't need to say anything. But please don't just leave like that, especially at a time like this."

The puppy smiled, feeling a comforting aura wash over her as she returned the hug, "thanks Wonnie, and sorry, I just got overwhelmed."

"Hey girls."

The two in question jumped away from each other as Hyewon stared with a raised eyebrow.

"O-oh Hyewon-unnie! How long have you been there?"

The photographer's eyes flickered towards the maknae's before answering Yujin, "I just came, Eunbi-unnie finished cleaning Yuri's wound and we're leaving. She called me to bring you two over."

"Ah, thanks unnie, we'll be there in a bit."

Hyewon nodded, secretly giving a wink to Wonyoung before walking away.


The said girl turned to Wonyoung, who was staring off into the distance, "yeah?"

"Remember how you told me you'd protect me from anything? Back when this first started?"

"Yeah I remember."

Wonyoung slipped her hand into Yujin's before pulling the older girl with her back to the front of the building where the cars were.

"I promise that I'll protect you just the same."

The puppy blushed, moving forward to walk step-by-step with the bunny, "thanks Wonnie."

~ ~ ~


The ombre-haired duck glanced up from playing with Yuri's hair, "yeah Chaewon?"

"Do you want me to drive? I feel like you should be with Yuri while we're on the road."

"You can drive?"

The younger girl stared in annoyance, "I have a license unnie, I just don't have my own car."

Yena fished out a lanyard from her pocket, "thanks Chaewon-ah, you're the best."

The said girl flipped her long hair as she walked away, "I know~"

The duck chuckled, turning to gently shake Yuri awake.

"Hey Yuri, we're leaving now."

"We are...?"

"You can sleep more in the car, I'll be with you in the back since Chaewon's going to be driving."


The hamster yawned, stifling a wince as she stood up, the sudden movement bringing pain to her arm.

"How is it?"

"I still can't move it, not even my fingers."

Yena sighed, enveloping Yuri's uninjured arm's hand with hers, "it'll get better in time. Let's go Yuri-yah."

The two walked out to see the others already done packing, a tall puppy trailed by a tall bunny walking over.


"Ah hey Yujin, Wonyoung."

The older of the two scratched her neck as she looked away, "I'm sorry for running off earlier, I hope your arm's feeling better."

Yuri smiled, walking up and tippy-toeing to give Yujin a peck on the forehead and a pat on the head, "it's okay Yujin, I understand."

The group waved goodbye as they went to their designated cars, Chaewon and Minju switching with Hitomi and Nako so the radish could drive Yena's car.

"Do you know where exactly we're going?"

The caramel-haired girl shrugged, "I don't know Min... Somewhere far from here though, that's for sure."

"What even was that... thing from earlier?"

"I have no clue, let's just hope that there's not many of them..."

The two at the front nodded to each other as Chaewon began to drive, Yena wrapping a blanket over Yuri in the backseats as the hamster leaned on the duck's shoulder.

"Sleep as much as you can Yuri-yah, I'll wake you up when we arrive at where we're going."

"Thanks Yena-unnie."

Yuri mumbled out as she snuggled closer, eyes heavily closing as the day's tiredness came to her once more.

The ride was silent for the most part, Chaewon paying attention to the road as Minju and Yena gazed out at the passing surroundings, Yuri sleeping peacefully against the duck.

If only they knew...

That someone... something was watching them...

and everyone else who was left.

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