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The restless college sophomore drummed her fingers against the counter, eyes darting to the cafe entrance only to have it be a random person.

Chaewon forced a smile, "welcome!"

Like the other customers, the person gave her a nod and a smile before going to do their own thing.

"Is she coming?"

Chaewon jumped, turning her head to see that Eunbi came up to her.

The caramel-haired girl sighed, "she finally read my text, so she better."

The older woman nodded, "you two can use the back room if she does come."

"Thanks Eunbi-unnie."

The younger girl couldn't stop the whispers she heard throughout her time at work today, she stopped counting on how many people started to hate on Minju from what happened. She honestly wanted to yell out that none of them knew her...

But then again, she didn't know her either.

The bell signaling another entrance rang, a person wearing a baggy black hoodie, black jeans, a hat, and a black mask entering warily as they looked around. Even with the person's hood over their head, Chaewon knew right away who it was from her eyes.

She met the person's orbs, the latter quickly staring at the tiled floor before walking up to the cashier.



"Go, I'll take care of things here."

Chaewon thanked Eunbi again before going around the counter, startling Minju by grabbing her hand to pull her into the staff's only area. They went into the back room, the older of the two locking the door so no one would come inside uninvited.

"No one's going to come in."

The actress stared at Chaewon, hesitantly pulling down her hood to reveal her long dark hair and her mask to reveal her whole face. Minju gasped as Chaewon cupped her face, worry shown in the caramel-haired girl's eyes as she caressed her cheeks.

"Are you okay? Where have you been?? What the hell were you thinking???"

"I-I- uh- I- ... I just... I couldn't just play along and act as if I didn't know anything..."

Minju sighed, lifting her hands to hold Chaewon's, "I'm sorry for worrying you... I hope you've been well."


If her memory didn't fail her, this was the first time Chaewon had addressed the said girl by her real first name verbally, and she loved how her name rolled off the girl's tongue so smoothly.

"Yeah unn- oW-"

Chaewon smacked Minju's shoulder but before the younger girl could say anything, the radish pulled her into a tight hug, burying her face into the crook of her neck.

"You idiot I missed you so much..."

The angel startled from the sudden embrace, but feeling the hug get tighter, she softly smiled, returning the gesture as she pat Chaewon's head.

"Sorry Chaewon-unnie..."

"You better be sorry."

With Chaewon's muffled answer, Minju laughed, missing the little interactions she had with the cafe cashier in the past. The older girl slightly pulled away, looking back up only to have their faces centimeters apart from each other from their close proximity.

Chaewon froze, heat rushing up her face as she noticed that Minju stopped breathing as well.


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