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Knock Knock...

The door opened to reveal a middle-aged man, the said man staring at the person on the other side with a confused look.

"Who are you?"

The person bowed, "hello, I'm here to see Chaewon?"

The man squinted his eyes, staring at the person in the black cap and mask suspiciously, "who are you."

"Appa who's at the d- MinMin~!"

The person felt heat rush up her cheeks under her mask from the nickname, she really should get used to the older girl calling her with these weird but surprisingly adorable names.

Chaewon skipped up to the front door with a big grin, her father staring back and forth between the two girls in confusion.

"Min... Min?"

The caramel-haired girl leaned over to hug the masked girl without going outside, gesturing to her as she turned to the man, "appa, this is my friend."


The younger girl looked around her before bowing, "hello sir, I'm Kim Minju."

"... What?"

"Yeah she's Kim Minju."

"Wait- But- Wh- I-"

"Can she come inside appa? We'll be leaving to hang out soon but just so you two can meet each other."

"Ah yes, come in come in."

"Thank you, sir."

Minju came inside, subtly looking around the cozy house as she slowly took off her mask and hat.

She bowed once more, ruffling her hair back as she straightened herself up, "sorry for intruding on your day, Mr. Kim."

"You're really... her..."

"Nae, I am."

"That's how she knew Lee Ranhee was Eomma, Eunbi-unnie told her."


Chaewon's dad smiled at the angel, "thank you for sticking up for my daughter, it seems your presence makes her very happy."

The older girl flustered from what her dad said, looking at the floor as Minju chuckled, "of course, she's a really nice and fun person."

The dad then glanced towards his daughter with a raised eyebrow, "you two are on a nickname basis already?"


"A-actually only Chaewon-unnie does that..."

Chaewon's blush deepened in color before she pulled Minju back to the front door, hopping around as she put on her shoes.

"Bye Appa, I'll be back before ten."

The man laughed, "be safe, both of you."

He then winked at Minju, making the actress blush as she put her mask and hat back on.

The two girls headed outside, Chaewon intertwining her fingers with Minju's as soon as she locked the front door.

"Sorry about my dad."

The angel chuckled, "it's fine, he seems really nice."

"You didn't have to out me like that though, with the nicknames."

Minju shrugged, "it's true though, I always call you Chaewon-unnie and that's it."

The older girl glanced around before playfully glaring at the actress, "okay Minju."

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