CHAPTER 14 :: P1

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"Welcome, our V.I.P. customer Hyewon-unnie."

The brown-haired girl smiled, "hello again Chaewon."

"The usual?"

"Ah you know me so~ well."

The cashier chuckled at the older girl as she handed Hyewon the receipt, "coming right up. Want me to call for Eunbi-unnie?"

"Hmm, don't want to bother her right now just in case she's busy, I'm planning on staying for the whole day anyways."

Chaewon raised an eyebrow, "you are? You don't have any classes?"

"I came here after my last one, on Fridays I only have two. Don't worry I'll keep buying food periodically so I'm not just lounging here."

Hyewon went off to the side, the younger girl shaking her head as she began to make the photographer's drink.

'She's whipped isn't she.'

~ ~ ~

"So~ How are things with you and Hitomi~?"

The small girl flustered up, "what do you mean?"

The duck smirked, "you know what I mean~ What's going on with you two?"

Nako looked away, "nothing's going on, we're just..."


The two walked in silence for a few moments before Nako muttered under her breath.

"I don't know."

Yena's smile lessened as she turned to her friend, "what do you mean?"

"I told her that I liked her."

"You WHAT."

"And well, she didn't have a bad reaction? But I told her at a bad time."

"Which was..."

"This morning."


"Right before she left for work."

"Wh- I- You- ..."

"I know I know, that was stupid of me. She seemed... shocked? Surprised? But she had to go so I couldn't really tell."

"You do know we're going to the cafe right now right???"

"Yes, I'm very aware of that."

Yena gazed at her younger friend, "she didn't seem... weirded out right?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, that's good, maybe her reaction was a good thing."


"You'll be fine Nako, don't worry so much."

"Psh says the one who's hiding her feelings."

A muscle in Yena's mouth twitched, "y-yah!"

"Just tell her, it's obvious that girl likes you back."

"You aren't even there when we hang out!"

"I am when we're at the cafe at the same time, she's kind of bad at hiding her emotions, especially towards you."


"Just trust me."

"Okay but I'm not going to blurt it out like you did."

The Japanese girl rolled her eyes, "then what are you going to do?"

"I'll uh... think of something!"

Nako mentally facepalmed, "whatever you say~"

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