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"Are you okay Wonnie?"

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine."

Yujin glanced down as the group of girls walked along the empty street, seeing her younger friend slightly limping.

They had just taken a break an hour ago... They needed to find a place to stay before the sun set, and who knows where the nearest building would be with all this nothingness and ruin all around.

The puppy went in front of Wonyoung, slightly crouching down, "get on."


"I can tell you're tired, get on my back."

"But then you'd be tired."

"Wonyoung-ah I'm an athlete, this is nothing. And your shoes aren't fit for walking this long."

"Are you sure?"

Yujin hummed in response, giving the tall bunny a reassuring smile.

Of course she was tired, they all were.

But she was in a better position than most of them, considering she had done basketball for nearly her whole life and she wasn't badly injured.

Yujin secured her grip on Wonyoung as the maknae piggybacked the puppy, starting to walk once more to catch up with the others.

"Thanks unnie..."

"Of course, anything for you."

Wonyoung subtly blushed, burying her face into Yujin's neck as she listened to the high school junior's rhythmic breathing alongside the sound of everyone's footsteps.

Ahead of them, Sakura was also carrying Chaeyeon, the dancer's legs given out quickly from her past injuries. Besides the couple were Hitomi and Nako, both warily looking around as they continued to walk.


"Yeah Hii-chan?"

"Do you know where we are?"

The Korean girl let out a puff of air as she lifted her head up from Sakura's shoulder, glancing around.

"No not really... Everything's so ruined to the point where I can't tell where we are anymore. There aren't any freeway signs either so that doesn't help..."

"We've been heading south the whole time right?"

Chaeyeon nodded at Nako, "ehhh, pretty much yeah."

"Eunbi-unnie's cafe was in Seoul right?"

"It's in Seongnam, around thirty minutes away from Seoul on the other side of Han River."


"We've been traveling for nine weeks? A few days of rest with almost a week of walking..."

Chaeyeon thought for a moment after the gamer's comment, "if we went straight south... We'd probably be in Cheonan by now? We'd be hitting Daejeon in a couple weeks time, that'd hopefully be obvious to see since it's a big city."


The two younger Japanese girls nervously glanced at each other as they held their hands tighter, who knows what would happen in those two weeks...

"Hey, I think that's a house or something!"

The girls all stopped at what they were doing to see where Yena pointed, the ombre-haired duck's finger pinpointing a small, one-story building a little off the side of the road.

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