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"Did you guys feel that?"

"Y-yeah I did..."

The girls struggled to keep their balance as another tremble rippled through the ground, fear entering all of them as they realized what was happening.


Hitomi pointed a shaky finger behind the group, a rather tall, still-standing building seeming to tilt.

"Run run RUN!"

The group sprinted away from the slowly tilting building, turning into an alley where they were a little ways away.

"Oh my God..."

The girls panted for breath from the sudden sprint, the earth violently shaking as the building crumbled to the ground, a plume of dust and debris clouding up the area around them.

"W-we... We can't stay here, there's too many tall buildings that could fall at any given moment."

Nako poked her head past the corner of the alley, letting out a slight cough from the amount of dust.

"Yujin, is there a large park around here or something?"

"I don't know if we're close to it, but there's Ppuri Park near the edge of Daejeon, it's a large plot of land that has statues of Korean monuments and people."

Eunbi gazed at all eleven of the girls, "then we make that place our goal. Yujin, is it straight south from here?"

The puppy did some thinking in her head before nodding, "we kept heading south from my elementary school... Walked for a couple days... Yeah, if we keep heading the way we were going we should come across it soon enough."

All the girls nodded, and after the dust had cleared a bit, they began to walk once more out in the street.






"Yena-unnie, didn't you dance in the past? Yet you're so clumsy."

"That was in high school, Yuri," the duck brushed off the dust as she stood up, "and there was a crack!"

"A crack?"

Hyewon glanced down, seeing that Yena indeed, fell into a small crevice in the blacktop.

"Huh... That looks too deep to be from a natural occurrence..."

"Well these earthquakes are not natural for Korea either way so-"

Another rumble cut Chaewon off, Eunbi gesturing them to head on when it stopped.

"Less talking, more moving."

Although the moving part was easier said than done, for it seemed like the rumbling was ever prominent, even if it was a subtle tremble.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

The girls kept moving south down the street they were on, only taking a detour when they heard gunfire go off on one side, in hopes to avoid whatever or whoever had caused it.

"It's sad to see people turning against each other just because they think they're stronger than them..."

Chaeyeon sighed, "a lot of humans are only full of greed and desire... Maybe that's why this is all happening."

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