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The only time Charlie had ever “done drugs" was when he had a tonsillectomy at age 18 and the doctors gave him morphine. That was how Charlie felt now, minus the scalding pain shooting up his throat. Euphoria radiated through him as Nick guided him out of the pub by the hand.

Charlie had thought that performing for such a crowd would have been nerve wracking, but it was exhilarating in the best way. He felt so fucking alive.

When they reached the sidewalk outside, Nick pulled out his phone to order a ride.

Charlie glanced around the busy bar district and realized he wasn’t ready to call it a night yet. Before Nick could order a car, Charlie gently tapped his forearm. “You’re it,” he whispered then took off down the street.

“Wait, I wasn’t ready!” Nick shouted as he pocketed his phone and started after his lover past the pubs, clubs, and drunk masses.

“Catch up, rugby lad!” Charlie teased, slowing a bit so Nick could keep up.

“Shut up,” Nick laughed. “Not all of us are track stars.”

Gleefully, Charlie let Nick chase him, slowing enough so that he was just out of Nick's reach. “You sure you’re not just getting old?”

“And you’re so much younger,” Nick chuckled with sarcasm. In a year, Charlie would be the age Nick was now.

He finally caught up to Charlie when they reached a club with a large blue neon sign.

Charlie stared up at the glowing sign with wonder and cast Nick a mischievous glance. Though he usually disliked crowds, tonight, Charlie wanted to dance. Walking into the club, he knew Nick would follow close behind.

Nick wasn’t a club kind of person. He usually didn’t like to get drunk and he only ever danced when Charlie begged him to. Still, he trailed behind, his eyes drinking Charlie in so heavily that Charlie could feel it. Nick's gaze had a way of making him feel indestructible. When he had that look in his eye, Charlie knew Nick would do anything for him.

Charlie guided Nick to the center if the dance floor, turned to face him, then kissed him as passionately as he could. Smiling as he pulled away, Charlie let the music around them take hold and began to move to the beat.

Nick joined him, turning Charlie around so that he could grind against his backside.

The music thumped so loud that it felt like a pulse. Charlie and Nick danced, rubbing against one another until Charlie thought he would drop. He made a drinking motion to Nick and the pair wandered off of the dance floor and into an adjoining room. The bar area was quiet and a nice place to wind down.

“Was it that horrible?” he asked as he and Nick stood by the bar with their drinks.

Nick made a sour face then laughed. “It was kind of nice, actually. I like seeing you like this.”

“I thought you always liked seeing me,” Charlie teased.

Nick replied by placing his hand on the back of Charlie's neck before he leaned in and kissed him.

As Nick pulled away, Charlie stared into his eyes with blissful clarity. “I love you.”

Nick’s lips turned up into a gentle smile. “I love you.” He leaned back and rested an elbow on the bar counter. Adoration emanated from him until his eyes fell onto a point behind Charlie. Suddenly, pure hatred was boiling to Nick’s surface.

Heart already sinking, Charlie heard a familiar laugh come from behind him. Not again.

Inebriated and less likely to think things through, Nick stared daggers into Ben from across the room before he set his drink down. “I'm gonna kill him.”

Charlie and Nick: A Heartstopper FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now