Today's the Day

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*Trigger Warning*

Nick’s stomach was in a flurry of nerves and excitement. It was a feeling that hit him the moment he woke up that morning. Today was the day Nick would propose to the man he loved.

He had it planned down to the second. First off, he would get Charlie flowers. He already knew which flowers he would choose after a lengthy study of the meanings behind them online. After that, Nick would order a ride and speed to the airport. Charlie wasn’t expecting him, they’d agreed to meet at home.

Then, Nick would give him that cheesy, old rom-com cliché of surprising Charlie at the gate with flowers. He would love that, telling Nick with affection that he was a cheesy idiot. They would kiss passionately and Nick would hold him for a long time. Then, right there in the airport, Nick would get down on one knee and ask the question that had been sitting on his tongue for years.

Charlie would nod his head, his cheeks turning a bright red before Nick kissed him again, this time as his fiancé. His future spouse.

Nick was filled with giddy anticipation. He couldn’t wait to be Charlie Spring's husband.

Although doubt had presented itself, Nick was undeterred. He knew with every bit of his being that Charlie was the person he wanted to spend forever with.

If by chance Charlie rejected him, Nick was optimistic that rejection wouldn’t lead to the end of their relationship. They were meant to be, through marriage or “in sin.” Nick wanted whatever Charlie wanted, as long as they were together.

Nick wore a nice pair of trousers and a baby blue button up shirt. He considered wearing a tie and decided against it. He had to wear a tie everyday. He wanted to look good, not as though he was going to work.

He added a tiny bit of gel to his hair to keep it in its neat, clean style. When Nick was satisfied with his appearance, he patted his pocket for the ring box and headed out to meet Charlie at the airport.

Before ordering a ride, Nick took a quick walk to the flower shop down the way from their building. Carefully, he made his own bouquet of red and purple tulips and a few red carnations. With strange ease, Nick arranged the flowers into a beautiful bouquet.

Nick liked flowers. Maybe he would start a little garden on their balcony.

He ordered a ride, which arrived promptly and before Nick knew it, they were nearing the airport.

His phone pinged with a message notification and Nick's face lit up with joy.

C: just landed!!! See you soon ❤💋

Nick's face hurt from his wide smile.

N: sooner than u think

No. I'm gonna spoil my own surprise. With a grumble, Nick erased his response and tried again.

N: See you soon, babes.

No, he scolded himself. Now it sounds like I’m not excited enough. He went to erase the text when the car jolted to a halt. His hand slipped and he sent the message.


The driver leaned into his horn at the car ahead of them, filling Nick’s ears with the sound of honking. “Sorry ‘bout that,” he said to Nick over his shoulder.

Nick stared at his phone, scrambling for something else to say. If he hadn’t been so focused on sending the right text, he might have seen what was coming.

Some people say moments like these are warped, slowed down in some way. For Nick, it was sped up.

One second, he was thumbing in a reply to Charlie with the bouquet of flowers sitting on the seat next to him. The next, the entire right side of his body felt as though he had slammed into a wall at full speed. The shattered window sent shards of glass flying, slashing into his skin as he crashed into the opposite side of the car, his skull slamming against the door.

Nick gripped his destroyed phone in his hand as the sound of sirens grew louder in the distance. That was when he blacked out.

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