Oh Baby Baby

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The next day, the couple reluctantly vacated the villa, said goodbye to the turquoise ocean, and checked out of the resort. A taxi took them to the airport, where they would wait for about an hour before boarding and going back to England.

It was still pretty early, so Charlie was struggling to keep his eyes open as he rested his head on his husband’s shoulder. They sat in blue plastic chairs amongst rows and rows of chairs just like them and soon-to-be passengers.

Charlie's head lolled when he lost consciousness for a moment. He woke with a start and a gasp. Patting Nick on the arm, he said, “sorry.”

Nick kissed his cheek. “No sorrys. Why don’t you hang out here and I’ll go find us some coffee?”

Eyelids heavy, Charlie nodded his head. “Yes. Caffeine. Me need for thinking.”

Chuckling at him, Nick ruffled Charlie's hair before standing up. He pointed to a food counter a few yards away. “I'll be just there if you need me.”

“I always need you,” Charlie replied, his eyelids now shut.

Smiling to himself, Nick sauntered over to the food counter and ordered two coffees. While he waited, he rested an elbow on the counter and looked back to check on Charlie.

He was awake again, straightening up in his seat.

A small family walked by, obstructing Nick's view and drawing his attention. Two men a decade or so older than Nick and Charlie walked hand in hand, their older daughter chatting away as her little brother swung from one of his father's arms.

By no means is parenthood right for everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that. Parenthood was, however, something Nick had wanted for a very long time.

He knew Charlie would be an anxious father, but he would be a great one. He would bring logic and knowledge to the table, along with the heart Nick also possessed. Together, they could be understanding, caring, compassionate, and structured. They could be amazing fathers.

Nick wondered if, when they were a little more financially stable and moved to a bigger place, they would be mentally prepared for parenthood. Thinking about it without already having the experience painted it all in a romanticized light. Right now, Nick was thinking about teaching their child about sports, taking them to recitals and on vacation, watching them grow and loving them unconditionally.

Nick had only heard of the reality of parenthood. Though all of those good things were possible, raising a child was not pretty. The kid could hate him. Messes would be a constant issue. Lost sleep. Lost privacy. Lost concept of “mine" as opposed to “ours.” The financial cost. Temper tantrums. Getting sick. No freedom.

To a degree, Nick held the belief that once a person had a child, their life was no longer about them, it was about the child. Was he ready to make his life about a baby when he was happy with his life being about him and Charlie?

He didn’t know if it was more selfish to want a child or to not want one. Perhaps both were selfish. Perhaps neither of them were. All he knew was that building and living a life with Charlie was what he wanted. He wanted to love his new family. How could that be selfish?

He paid for the coffee and brought two thick paper cups back to the sea of blue plastic chairs where Charlie was slouching, his chin to his knees, asleep.

“Babes,” Nick said to get his attention.

He awoke, sat upright, and took the cup Nick offered him. “Thank you, love.”

Nick settled next to Charlie, still pondering impatiently about the future. After five minutes of unrelenting longing, Nick turned to his husband.

The caffeine slowly made its way into Charlie's system. He glanced at Nick and took a deep sip.

“I wanna adopt a kid,” Nick said, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could stop them.

Despite every known or unknown downside to parenthood, Nick knew what felt right. It felt right to tell his husband this longing. It felt as though this was what they were supposed to do, not because of society’s rulebook stating one needs to breed or adopt after marriage, but because it was what Nick had always seen in his mind when imagining their lives in ten years. He and Charlie could give a child a good home and a great upbringing. Nick wanted that more than he could express.

Charlie took Nick’s hand and smiled. “So do I.”

Charlie and Nick: A Heartstopper FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now