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It was a week before Christmas when Patrick, Charlie's boss invited him to a holiday party he was throwing for some friends. “You should bring Nick.”

The prospect of going home for Christmas was weighing on Nick. He was growing concerned that David would pull some stupid stunt and hurt Charlie in some way. Charlie was doing his best to keep Nick distracted, and a party seemed like a perfect distraction.

For most of the evening, Nick and Charlie drank a little champagne and mingled with Patrick's friends. Then they met Jeremy.

He was Nick’s age, tall, tanned, with a smile that could make either of them blush. He wore his dark hair a little grown out, and sported a neat, knit sweater and a pair of khakis. Nick could tell immediately that Charlie was attracted to this man, though Nick didn't find him hard to look at either. Jeremy was friendly at first, but soon that friendliness turned to a light flirtation. Even so, Nick wasn’t prepared when Jeremy asked them if they wanted to go to his flat, which was only down the road.

Charlie and Nick looked to one another with uncertainty. Then, Charlie shrugged and told Nick, “I could go for a nightcap.”

The next thing he knew, they were in Jeremy's apartment, drinking and listening to music. Nick was fully aware of what was going to transpire. He knew what Jeremy was going to say even before their new friend opened his mouth. Although he knew it was coming, Nick hadn’t decided what he wanted to do.

“Do you guys ever invite a third into bed?”

Charlie laughed anxiously and shook his head from side to side. “We’ve never even talked about it.” He looked to Nick.

Jeremy excused himself to the kitchen to give them a moment to talk privately.

“This is crazy, right?” Charlie whispered.

“Not that crazy,” Nick had to admit before he assessed the eagerness in the way Charlie kept glancing at the kitchen. “Wait. Do you want to?”

Charlie gave him a sheepish look. “Don’t you?”

Nick didn’t like how it felt to hear that.

“He’s hot, isn’t he? And you said you needed more distractions. He’s pretty distracting.”

“Alright, stop drooling,” Nick half-joked before putting more thought into it. “I don’t think we should.”

“Why not? You and I will still be us. Still in love and engaged. This is just sex,” Charlie reasoned.

Nick was sure that in Charlie’s mind, he was offering this opportunity as a gift to him. He was having a hard time, so Charlie was willing to share if it meant Nick was happy. Still, Nick didn't know if he really wanted this or if the sudden opportunity was causing him to make decisions out of fear. This could be his only chance to have a threesome. He didn’t want to offend Jeremy and if Charlie really did want this, he didn't want to rob him of the experience.

“We can just leave,” Charlie offered, trying to hide his disappointment.

Nick pursed his lips and stared into his fiancé’s eyes. “You’re sure you want this?”

With a wide grin, Charlie shrugged his slim shoulders. “I think it could be fun.”

“What if you get jealous?”

“I won’t.”

“What if I get jealous?”

Charlie slid his hands around Nick's waist and held the small of his back. “You won’t ‘cause you know that you and I are meant to be. A threesome won’t change that.”

Jeremy stepped cautiously into the room. He was now topless.

Charlie and Nick: A Heartstopper FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now