The Brothers Spring

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Oliver Spring was in town to visit family and friends. Upon his first visit with Charlie, he noticed something was off.

Nick had to work, but Charlie had a free day to spend with his little brother. Instead of heading out to eat or drink, they decided to go for a leisurely walk by the river to take advantage of the strangely warm weather.

Charlie told Oliver what was on his mind as they walked, why he suddenly felt afraid of his own wedding and what David had said to him during dinner.

Oliver was not pleased, tempted to call in the cavalry and get Tori in on this conversation. Unfortunately for them, Tori and Michael were on holiday in Greece.

Charlie could see the rage flicker in his little brother’s eyes and wished he hadn’t mentioned David. He hated it when people worried about him.

It’s your own fault, he told himself. If you didn't complain so much, they wouldn't worry.

“I apologize in advance for punching this guy at your wedding,” Oliver said as he shook his head in disbelief. Charlie suspected he wasn’t joking.

“It isn’t a big deal, I promise,” Charlie insisted. “I just feel sorry for Nick. He must hear far worse.”

“Well, Nick won’t let it get to him,” Oliver pointed out. “I don’t think his asshole of a brother is going to talk him out of marrying you. Nick knows what he wants, I think. He wants you. He has since I first met him, at least.”

Charlie bobbed his head in agreement. “You’re right. He isn’t easily swayed.” He paused, deep in thought. “What if David has a point? Will Nick regret not exploring the full spectrum of his sexuality after we've been married for ten, twenty years? What if, by being in love with me, he’s cut himself off from something or someone that could make him happier than I can?”

Oliver stared at Charlie as though every word he’d said had been a child's mumbling of gibberish. “When did you become so dim? Seriously, Charlie, you’re talking like a proper moron.”

“How can I know for sure, though? What if, by marrying Nick, I’m binding him into a doomed marriage where he'll inevitably cheat on or leave me? A life where he’s miserable and trapped?”

For a moment, it seemed like Oliver was truly giving this some thought. Then, he said, “and what if monkeys suddenly start flying out of my ass and it starts to rain chickens?”

Charlie tsked. “It isn’t that ridiculous.”

“It is, though. Why are you letting some idiot mess with you? Trust Nick. You’re marrying him, after all.” Oliver could still see how glum his brother was and put an arm around Charlie’s shoulder. “But, hey, if by chance something does go wrong down the line, you’ll be okay. At least you tried, right?”

Charlie pretended to be optimistic, doing his best to push these new, unfounded worries out of his mind.

“What has Nick said about all of this?” Oliver wondered.

“Oh, I don’t want to upset him.”

“Charlie!” he exclaimed. “Nick is one of the most understanding people I’ve ever met. Talk to him.”

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