Five Years Later

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The bell rang through the halls of Truham Grammar School for Boys, signaling the end of the school day and prompting Charlie's class to nearly drop their instruments and race out the door. Charlie was just as eager to head home, but he couldn’t let that show. Instead, he put on his stern, yet approachable teacher's voice and told them. “Remember to practice this weekend! I know you all want to be prepared for the concert next week.”

His students smiled, nodded, promised to practice as they streamed past him on their way out of his classroom.

“Sir, could I have a word?” his student, Eddie wondered. Eddie was a bright kid. At only 14 years old he was a talented pianist. Frankly, the kid intimidated Charlie. What could a semi-has-been drummer teach a prodigy who played an instrument Charlie had only ever been mediocre at playing?

“Of course,” Charlie told him as he placed a few books and his phone into his satchel. “I can’t imagine you’re having much trouble with the music for the concert.”

“It's not about that,” Eddie confessed. “This is more of a personal issue.”

Charlie nodded, listening intently.

“Well, I’ve seen your husband pick you up a couple of times.”

Furrowing his brown, Charlie crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay…”

Eddie released an awkward chuckle. “I just…You both look so happy.”

“We are,” Charlie said with a reminiscent smile.

“Well, me and Jay, we’ve been together for a month tomorrow. I wanna do something for him for the day, but I can’t think of anything good enough. I mean, he's so different from me. What if I pick something I think is romantic, but it just reminds him of what a nerd I am?”

“Has he ever made you feel like you’re a nerd?” Charlie inquired. “In a bad way?”

“No,” he said. “Maybe he just hasn't noticed yet.”

Charlie couldn’t help but chuckle. “Remind me again, who asked who out?”

Eddie’s worry seemed to elevate some. “Jay asked me.”

“Exactly. He likes you, Ed. Even if he thinks you’re a nerd, it’s probably one of the things he likes about you.”

“I dunno,” Eddy shook his head. “I still think it’s some prank or something. He's so popular and amazing. I still can’t believe he likes me.”

“You need to stop doubting yourself so much,” Charlie encouraged. “Everything you’re saying, I thought about my husband for a long time after we got together. It didn’t make the relationship better. It only made him feel like he was doing something wrong. Maybe Jay is playing a cruel joke, and if he is, screw him. Karma will get him. I don’t think that is the case, though.”

Eddie nodded his head, taking in the information. “So, what should I do for our one-month anniversary?”

Charlie sighed. “My husband’s sort of the one who nails the romantic gestures, but,” he thought for a moment. “Think about what you two bond over, what you like about him, what he likes about you. Keep it simple.”

Reaching into his backpack, Eddie searched around before pulling out a flash drive. “I made him this after our first date. We went to this cheap diner out of town so no one would recognize us, I wasn’t out yet, and they had this woman playing the guitar outside, just playing covers. She was like a living jukebox. We must have spent $40, asking her to play this song and that. It was how I knew Jay was right for me, his knowledge of obscure songs, his appreciation for music. He's as passionate about it as I am. So, I wrote down the songs when I got home, made a playlist.”

Shaking his head, he chortled. “Why are you asking me about this when you already have a wonderful gift for him?”

Eddie smirked. “Just had to be sure.”

Charlie playfully shooed Eddie our of the room, then did a quick cleanup before exiting the music block to grab his coat from the staff lounge.

The gym teacher, Mr. Thand tapped him on the shoulder in passing. “Happy birthday. Big plans tonight?”

“Some,” Charlie replied coyly. “Nick insisted on surprising me again this year. I have no idea what I’m going home to.”

“He crushed it last year,” the gym teacher said. “My wife still says I should be more like him. He’s making us all look bad.”

Charlie shrugged. “I won’t apologize for my amazing husband. Maybe you should step up your game.”

He laughed. “Have a good one, Charlie,” he said before leaving for the day.

When Charlie was finished gathering his things, he walked to the front entrance, where a silver minivan was patiently waiting for him.

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