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Charlie and Nick sat in an audience in the dark, sitting next to Charlie's boss, Patrick as his daughter Jessa played on stage with her two of her friends. Charlie had been Jessa's drumming instructor for nearly a year and her progress was astounding. When Jessa performed, she reminded him a little of Green Day's Tré Cool. She was quick and precise, and from the look on her face, she was having a blast.

He glanced over at Patrick. The man was nearly in tears with pride.

Jessa had begged Charlie to come to her school's talent show. Nick loved the idea, so here they were.

When the performance came to an end, Nick, Charlie, and Patrick all stood to applaud, triggering a standing ovation for Jessa and her band.

When the show was over, Charlie and Nick waited for Jessa with her father by the front entrance. They engaged in minor chitchat until Jessa came running up to them with her trophy.

“Wow,” Patrick said as she handed him the trophy, which was as long as his forearm. “That’s a big one.”

“Did you see me on the second verse?” she asked Charlie with excitement. “I messed up but I fixed it.”

“I saw,” Charlie chuckled. “You did great. I don’t think anyone even noticed your mistake.”

Jessa crossed her arms over her chest, growing serious. “I'll get it right next time.”

“I thought you guys were amazing,” Nick chimed in.

Jessa blushed, trying to hide what was evidently a schoolgirl crush on Charlie's fiancé. “Thank you. We tried.” She turned her attention back to Charlie. “I couldn’t do this without you. I wouldn’t even have a band if it weren’t for you. So much better than ‘Old Charles.’”

The group laughed together, chatted some more, then parted ways for the night.

As they strolled home from the school, Nick held Charlie's hand and talked about his favorite parts of the talent show. “I always wished I could do that, but as you know, I have no musical inclination.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Charlie reasoned. “You can sing a great Rocket Man in karaoke.”

Nick giggled, sensing Charlie's sarcasm. “Shut it. I like the song and I shall sing it how I please.”

Charlie smiled, gently bumping Nick with his shoulder. He had a secret he wished to share, some good news that could be the picture of their future. “So…I got the letter today.”

Nick stopped walking, yanking Charlie to a halt. “What? I thought it was coming next month. What did it say?”

Charlie feigned sadness before he broke with a wide smile. “I am officially enrolled in the Initial Teacher Training program. If all goes well and I do the work, I could be a music teacher in four years.”

With glee, Nick wrapped his arms around Charlie and lifted him up. “I'm so proud of you.” Still holding Charlie aloft, Nick gave him a deep, passionate kiss.

Charlie couldn’t contain his happiness, pulling Nick in for another kiss before he was set back onto the ground.

With a smirk, Nick took Charlie’s hand once more as they continued to walk home.

“I think I already know which school I would want to teach at, if they would have me.”

“Where?” Nick wondered.

Charlie shrugged, trying to dismiss any bad feelings he had for said school. “Truham. Maybe I could help a new me find his way.”

Nick nodded with a smile. “I like that idea.”

Charlie and Nick: A Heartstopper FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now