Lack of Romance in Adult Conversations

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The doctors allowed Nick to go home after a couple of days of observation. As injured as he was, Nick was most concerned with his missed opportunity.

His boss allowed Nick the rest of the week off without pay, of course, but Nick took it. With the amount of pain and discomfort the accident had given him, Nick's mind couldn’t be bothered to focus on something so trivial as work.

Charlie, on the other hand, landed himself a job at the instrument shop after only being home for two days. Nick was so proud of him, so happy Charlie had found something that aligned with his passions that his chest swelled with joy. Things weren’t perfect, nothing ever is, but life was good. Nick had even made an appointment to see Dr. Singe again.

Charlie seemed like he was relieved to be home, proclaiming that performing was strictly for fun if Tara needed him to sub in again. A career that would fill his life with chaos and force him away from Nick wasn't something he was interested in. Offhandedly, he mentioned teaching drums one day. Nick told him it was a brilliant idea. It seemed a good fit.

Soon after Nick was discharged from the hospital, he and Charlie cuddled on the couch, relieved to finally be in one another’s arms again.

“I thought I lost you,” Charlie confessed.

“You haven’t lost me,” Nick assured him, his left arm wrapped around Charlie. “I just got a little banged up. I’m fine.”

“Even when I found you,” he went on, “I was powerless. They wouldn’t tell me a thing, like I was a stranger.”

Nick kissed his lover’s forehead. “It’s over now.”

“This time,” Charlie countered. “What happens next time one of us gets hurt or sick and are unable to call the other? If something were to happen to me, I would want you to know before anyone else. You’re the one that matters the most to me. Plus, I would rather my mum hear it from you than a stranger.”

“Please stop talking like that.”

“You don’t feel the same?”

Nick sighed and rolled his eyes. “Of course, but this isn’t something I wanna talk about.”

“It’s important.”

“Well, what do you wanna do about it, Charlie? Get married?”

“Yeah, maybe that would be a good idea.”

“Okay, then,” Nick replied with finality.


Shit, Nick thought. That was nowhere near how he wanted to propose. He could feel Charlie's pretty blue gaze on him as he stared up at the ceiling, cursing himself.

“Does…Does that mean we're engaged now?” Charlie stammered.

Nick finally made eye contact and offered a kind smile. “I suppose it does.”

The next day was Charlie's first shift at the instrument shop and Nick felt a need to celebrate. While Charlie was at work, Nick worked on a project. When Charlie got home, Nick stood by, eagerly awaiting Charlie’s approval.

Charlie opened the door to their flat and was met with flickering candlelight and flower petals on the floor. He chuckled, amazed as he took in this romantic scene in their living room. “What is this?” he asked Nick.

Nick grinned. “Charlie Spring.”

“Nick Nelson.”

He laughed. “Shut up, I’m trying to be serious.” Nick took in a long breath for courage and continued. “Charlie, I have loved you since I was 16. Since that day we met in form, actually. You are the most amazing man I have ever known. You’re interesting, talented, funny, shy, and so, so much more. You joke about it but I really am obsessed with you.” Trembling, Nick got down on his left knee, held out a closed fist, then opened it to reveal the engagement ring he’d picked out before Charlie went on tour. “The box didn’t make it through the accident, but I held onto this. I know we already talked about it, but I wanted to give you the whole experience. So…will you marry me?”

With tears of joy, Charlie nodded his head, pulling Nick to his feet so he could kiss his lips. “Yes. The answer is yes.”

Charlie and Nick: A Heartstopper FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now