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A few months passed before Charlie had time off school to go on their honeymoon. In lieu of wedding gifts, their friends and family donated to their trip. This increased their budget enough for them to visit one of Nick's dream destinations, an underwater hotel. Well, they called it that, but the resort was only partially submerged in tropical waters.

Charlie had studied the resort, researching anything he could find about any of the rooms. Although there was an interesting angle to sleeping in a room on the sea floor with a giant window facing out into the clear ocean, the idea of it all had Charlie in edge. What if the glass broke and he and Nick drowned? What if some megalodon or giant squid happened upon them and tried to break the glass? What if Charlie had a panic attack and couldn't stay in the room, wasting their time and money, ruining their honeymoon? What if? What if? What if?

In the end, Nick could plainly see his husband's discomfort and found an obvious solution. Not every suite in the resort was submerged. Nick liked the resort and he needed Charlie to be comfortable. He was willing to sleep anywhere as long those conditions were met. He booked a stylish, cozy suite that had a private patio with a view of the ocean and the tip of the island.

They were both psyched, packed and ready to go days before their departure. Charlie had hoped this excitement would have carried him the entire way to the resort, but his anxiety was quickly chomping away at that excitement like a pack of zombies.

Charlie had never experienced a fear of flying before, so today's fear struck him as infuriatingly inconvenient. He just wanted things to go well without him freaking out or getting sick.

They were on the plane on the way there. Charlie had muscled through most of the flight, letting Nick distract him while he told himself over and over that everything was fine. It wasn't until they were circling around the island, the pilot positioning for landing, that Charlie's fight or flight instincts told him to get off of the plane any way he could.

Teeth gnashing together, Charlie readjusted in his seat. He sat still for a moment then began to squirm before he readjusted again. Thoughts were flying through his mind so quickly that he couldn't focus or notice his husband's concern.

Jumping into action without a second thought, Nick reached into Charlie's carry-on bag and closed his hand around a small pill bottle. Charlie's medication was prescribed and monitored by a doctor, and Nick knew that one of them was made for moments like this. After he double checked the medication's name, he offered one pill and his own bottle of water to Charlie.

Charlie took it, swishing the pill back with a healthy chug of water.

Nick took Charlie's hand and wondered, "is this alright?"

"Yes." Charlie appreciated Nick's ability to see his idiosyncrasies. Always observant, Nick had an undying sense of empathy. He knew that when Charlie was in a certain mood, frustrated and anxious, that Charlie didn't like to be touched. Nick always gave him the space he needed, holding him close when Charlie felt a little better.

During their wedding, Charlie's father had said something Charlie now held dear.

"You married the right guy," Julio had told his son. "Before you two met, your mum and I used to wonder what kind of man you would end up with. You found someone better than anyone we could have imagined. People like Nick are so rare. I'm incredibly grateful your husband is worthy of you, Charlie. You deserve each other in the best way."

As their plane began to descend for their landing, a trembling smirk grazed Charlie's lips and he squeezed his husband's hand.

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