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Nick didn't know what came over him, but he couldn't control himself. He wanted Charlie now. It was probably the wedding atmosphere that made him so frisky. He couldn't take his hands off of Charlie as they made out in the king-sized bed. He kissed his fiancé fiercely as his hand slowly wandered into Charlie's pants.

Charlie groaned and stared at Nick with sympathetic eyes. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but we don't have time."

"Please?" Nick whined playfully.

Charlie glanced around the room, his gaze landing on the bathroom. He smirked and wondered, "quickie in the shower?"

"Brilliant," Nick agreed as he stood and picked Charlie up to carry him to the bathroom.

They helped one another undress with haste before Charlie turned away from Nick, laying his hands flat on the sink counter.

Nick kissed his neck as he enveloped Charlie in his big arms. In turn, Charlie spat in his hand, reached back and lubricated Nick's longing manhood. Gently, Nick leaned Charlie forward and slid himself inside.

Charlie let out a moan, pushing back ever so slightly to let Nick fill him as much as possible. This eagerness combined with Nick's already frisky mood brought Nick to completion.

He pulled away and tried to hide his embarrassment. Charlie had suggested a quickie, but Nick was sure he hadn't meant that quick.

Charlie turned back to him, grinning in quiet bliss before he kissed Nick. "Thank you."

"Thank you," Nick countered, euphoria still fluttering through his body.

They showered, shaved, and generally gussied themselves up. A half an hour later, the pair stepped out of their room in their suits, ready for the ceremony. As they walked the halls of the inn and descended the side staircase, Nick lovingly rested his arm around Charlie. He always loved him, but tonight was amplifying that feeling to the point where Nick felt he would burst with tears of joy and gratitude that he had Charlie in his life.

This obviously wasn't the first wedding Nick had attended. David's wedding was the most recent of plenty of weddings for various family members. This wedding was different. This wedding was not only the first he had attended with Charlie, it was also the first wedding of a couple of friends. Tonight seemed more personal to him, not like he was only attending because he was expected to. Nick actually cared about being there for Darcy and Tara during this milestone.

Then there was Charlie, who made Nick so happy it was hard to imagine ever feeling the contrary. In a year and a bit, Nick and Charlie would be sharing a similar day.

They entered a large, open room of white and gray marble. Inside were rows and rows of seats mostly filled with people Nick didn't know, all facing a beautiful open archway that led to a balcony overlooking the small waterfall and the woods on the horizon. Nick followed Charlie's lead, trailing behind as his fiancé led him to the seats their friends had saved for them. Their seats were in the middle of the row, so Nick had to squeeze past the already seated guests. His face burned in humiliation, sure that everyone was staring at the big blonde guy trying to awkwardly find his chair.

Charlie turned back to him for a moment, a smile already fixed on his face, and any anxiety Nick felt melted away and seemed silly. Nick wondered what was wrong with himself tonight. He never felt self-conscious like this. Perhaps weddings made him more emotional than he originally thought.

Charlie took Nick's hand, guiding him the rest of the way to sit next to Elle and Tao. Nick sat on the opposite side of Charlie, still holding his hand.

"You're late," Tao stated.

"What did we miss?" Charlie wondered.

"Nothing," Elle assured him. "It hasn't started yet."

Nick looked around at the guests, noting that Darcy's parents were not in attendance. He hadn't met anyone else in her family, but he guessed that not many of them were there either.

Poor Darcy, Nick thought. He knew he would he heartbroken if his parents not only missed his wedding, but objected to it. Then, a thought occurred. What if dad doesn't come my wedding?

He knew it wouldn't be out of intolerance or objection, Nick was just unsure his father would have the time. Or if he would remember. They didn't talk much anymore. Now that Nick was grown, his dad wasn't the only one too busy to maintain their father-son relationship. It was sad but Nick accepted that neither he or his father really cared anymore. Though, this whole line of thinking was evident of the contrary. He hoped his father would show up for him, but if he didn't, Nick would still be having the best day of his life.

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