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She peaked from around the corner and saw the same girl with the uniform and some blonde haired chick. Her gaze looked behind the girl since the familiar leather glove covered hand signaled her.


She unlocked the trigger of her rotary gun and quickly aimed it at the two girls as the masked man behind them aimed his sniper.

"Behind you!"

The two girls shouted, the pressed the trigger but the dark blue haired girl pushed herself and the other away in time. The Amber eyed woman groaned in annoyance when her bullets grazed the blonde girls sleeve and collar, but she quickly hid when gun shots started going off towards her way and down the other.

"Oi, come on. Let me just hit you, it's not gonna hurt. It'll be over soon enough, you won't feel anything"they heard the woman's voice speak from behind the wall.

They peaked slightly and saw her black velvet covered arm and hand trace the wall, they waited and the girls saw her mask slowly appear front behind the wall she was hiding.

"You don't believe me?"

She traced random words with her finger on the surface while saying "That's why I like jumping in, no warnings. That's the secret of a painless move on"

"And painless death"

The girls saw the woman's amber eye come into view as her rotary was immediately slammed besides the wall and she pulled the trigger, they moved away again but she continued to shoot. She knew they can't hide their forever, yes their is stairs they can go up in but all they will be met with is a roof top where she'll have to finish her job.

"Come on girls, I would lie, since it will put me in a disadvantage. I'm running out of ammo..."she spoke, but she did lie. She wasn't running out.

She waited and heard the sound of their feet running up the stairs, she breathes out and stops hiding behind the wall to see the masked man follow her move.

"Sniper mask? Sounds good"she spoke since she had heard snips of the girls conversation.

"Please don't"he responded.

"Hate it or despise it, I love it"

They reached the staircase but heard the clank of metal stumbling down the steps, the mysterious sound rounded off the corner, towards them. Her eyes widened when she saw a grenade fall by their feet.

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now