𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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The adult Masks' laid next to each other after they had finished, their racing heartbeats that hit their chest, dusted red cheeks, the marks that would scatter around their necks and travel down

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The adult Masks' laid next to each other after they had finished, their racing heartbeats that hit their chest, dusted red cheeks, the marks that would scatter around their necks and travel down. They remember it like before.

The white blanket covered their bodies as Mrs Mask laid on her stomach, her fingers softly connecting the purple marks on Snipers skin like constellations. He stared at her and he grabbed her hand as he placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.

"Are you okay?"Sniper asked as he looked towards the female mask.

She smiled lightly and nodded.

"Yeah, I am"Mrs Mask responded and her finger caressed his cheekbone.

He placed his hand on her cheek and his thumb hovered over her scar, she leaned into his touch slightly as she says "we're matching scars"

"Yours looks much more cooler"

"Bullshit, mine looks very simple, yours looks like a lighting bolt"Mrs Mask said and softly got on top of him again

"Sure"Sniper only mumbled and pulled her in closer.

She stared at him as her thumb brushed over against his bottom lip, he leaned in and sealed their lips together. The female mask smiled through it and held his face in place.

Mrs Mask hummed against his lips and pulled back when she felt him move his hips up and she says "later, aren't you tired?"

"No, I never was to begin with"Sniper said and moved her hair over her shoulder.

She laughed and spoke "maybe we should get dressed and leave now, the others are probably wondering where we are"

"I doubt it, so let's just stay here"

"I would but we have stuff to do"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but just because this realm is at a temporary stop with the whole killing and whatever doesn't mean their isn't things we need to keep in mind"

Sniper pulled the blanket closer to them and went to speak but Mrs Mask flinched when she heard the supervisors echoey voice in her head.

"Hello again! I am so happy that you managed to survive that horrible virus and continue to live!"

"Can you not?! Especially not now? Can't you see us?"Mrs Mask yelled and wrapped the blanket around her and Sniper

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now