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"So talkative"Sniper spoke

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"So talkative"Sniper spoke.

"Yeah"Mrs Mask responded.

"All for that person! If all they have is an old rifle and rotary, I can repel them just fine"

The female mask aimed again since the other mask went to shoot another grenade but was cut off by a round of bullets hit him.

They turned to see Yuri on the roof above Mayuko, she leaned down and the blonde haired mask laughed out like a lunatic.

"How is he able to get up after all those bullets"Mrs asks as Sniper went to stand next to her.

"Get ready, we don't know how much he'll shoot"Sniper spoke.

"I got you don't worry"the female mask says.

She quickly pulled down the lever on her rotary gun, added more ammo, spun the chamber and clicked up closed again and fastly chuckled it in place forward to lock it. She goes back to her original body position and places the rotary back on the railing.

"Ready when you are darling"

"Just waiting for you, since you are, I'm ready"

The man with the grenade gun shot out the grenades at random and multiple went towards Yuri and Mayuko. But before they could shoot the grenades exploded after Yuri shot them, the masked adults eyes widened as they lowered down the guns.

"What the hell?"Mrs mumbled.

"Let's just shoot the bastard"Sniper said.

They aimed back at the man with the grenade gun, Mrs Mask shot her bullets towards his hands, they came clean off causing the gun he was holding to fall over the edge and Sniper shot one bullet into his head.

They went to shoot the other but saw him gone.

"Is he laying down?"he asks.

"What a baby"she responded.

"Come on, follow me"

The Dagger mask connected his phone to another and quickly sat up and says "Hello?"

"State name and business"

"Dagger and um...well...you see"he began.

"I'm about to die-"

He was cut off when he screamed in pain when multiple bullets shot at his shoulder, he screamed again in horror when his arm that held the phone came clean off and leaned next to him. But before he could react to the pain he was shot in the head.

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now