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Mrs Mask screamed when she felt the feathered mask send her fist into her ribs

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Mrs Mask screamed when she felt the feathered mask send her fist into her ribs. She lands on the ground but quickly rolls to the side when the feathered mask went to slam her foot into her stomach.

But then the female mask choked on air when she felt herself black out, Uzuki and Haori watched as Mrs Masks' body falls limp on the ground.

"Mrs Mask?!"Uzuki called out in panic.

"What's going on with her?!"

"Mrs Mask!"the boy screamed at her to get up.

The feathered mask spits out blood as she grabbed the female mask by the neck, she limped towards the edge of the building and dangled Mrs Masks' dead weight body over the railing.

"No!"Uzuki yelled.

Before the feathered mask could drop her she felt something hit her face in one motion, she yelled and went flying across the roof. Noble Mask grabbed Mrs Mask in a bridal style and jumped them over the railing back onto the roof.

"Noble Mask!"Haori says.

Noble crouched down as he still held Mrs Mask, he places three fingers to her neck and waited. He felt the pulse making him sigh and turn back to the feathered mask.

"Noble bro! You saved the hottie woman!"

Judo mask spoke up as he leaned on the railing.

"I'll sit back and relax, watch how this'll go"

Noble mask looked at him and motioned his head making Judo sigh and say "fine...what a pain..."

"Let those who are refusing and suffering die! Die! Die!"the feathered mask spoke up.

"Memento Mori! Remember death!"

She shot the bullets but Judo covered for Noble as he ran around and rested Mrs Mask on the ground next to Uzuki and Haori.

"Mrs Mask!"Uzuki says as Haori grabbed the shield so the boy could grab her shoulders and shake her.

Her eyes looked grey as she stared blankly at the sky.


She breathed in as she was back in the apartment, in the black lace bra and underwear. She saw her masked self get up from the couch and walk towards her.

"Look you're back, so...did you save Kuon?"

She grunted in anger and lunged towards the masked female to slam her into the ground, but the female mask slammed her foot into her chest and pushed her back.

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now