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"What's happening?"Mrs asked

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"What's happening?"Mrs asked.

After the towers lights reached the top, it illuminated brightly and the building Kuon took a picture of exploded. Soon the strong breeze came towards them, Sniper held the Female masks shoulders as they watch in shock, Kuon just smiled and turned to them.

"I did it!"

The mask adults stood their with wide eyes making the girl giggle and say "we're okay! No need to be scared!"

"We're not scared"Mrs Sniper argued as Sniper took his hands off her shoulders.

They looked over at the others to see, that Yuri girl was going through some speech about her being above the God's or whatever.

"What's she doing?"He asked.

"I'll shoot her if she doesn't stop"The Amber eyed woman spoke.

"No don't shoot anyone!"Kuon says and stood in front of Mrs.

"But look Mr and Mrs Mask! It was a success!"

"That sailor uniform girl is a force to be reckoned with."Sniper spoke.

"Mr and Mrs Mask, can I try controlling a mask?"Kuon asks turning to them.

"Your little head remembered something?"Mrs Sniper questions.



"Well that's disappointing"the girl spoke as she sat on the ground.

"Wavelength, right?"Mrs asks.

"Yes, It seems I can only control Angels
that are on the same wavelength as me."

"Oi, Kuon. Think you can deal the masks' Commands with your powers?"Sniper questions.

"I don't know if it's even possible. Turns out I'm useless as ever"she says.

The adult masks stared at Kuon who frowned and stared at the ground, Mrs Sniper looked over at Sniper who fixed his leather glove. She nudged him causing him to turn to her, she motioned her head towards the girl in front of them.

"I comforted her last time, it's your turn"

"But I went last time"

"No you didn't, I did, you just stood there nodding with whatever came out of my mouth"

He sighed and turned to Kuon.

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now