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"I'm going to intercept information from this room, I'm not going to cover a wide range, just give me 10 minutes or so

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"I'm going to intercept information from this room, I'm not going to cover a wide range, just give me 10 minutes or so... please wait for a while"Haori explained.

He walked into the room to their right and Yuri looked over at Mrs Mask, Kuon smiled and gave her two thumbs up of encouragement.

She nervously tapped her thighs and scooted closer to the female mask, she looked at Kuon and the girl just motions her hands to go for it.

"You're too close"

Yuri yelled out and backed up as Mrs Mask spoke.

"Hi! I mean good evening! Actually let me just bow, can I bow?"The girl said I'm a squeaky voice of fear.

The female mask stared at her making Yuri laugh nervously and look in front of her.

"For a leader, you suck at conversations"

"That's not true! I like to talk, a lot!"Yuri argued.

"What do you want?"

The girl sighed and said "look I just, I'm getting around Sniper well. Not the best but it's going somewhere"

"And I want to do the same with you, though please just tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable"

Mrs Mask laughed making Yuri laugh with her but it came out nervously, the female mask wrapped an arm around her making Yuri yelp as she was pulled to her side.

"It's great that you want to start over, I really don't like watching you piss your pants"

"I'm wearing a skirt?"

"It's a saying sweetheart, come on, use your head"Mrs Mask says and taps her head.

Yuri smiled and said "so does that mean we're good?"


The girl froze but the female mask chuckled and said "I'm joking"

"God, you're to easy to mess with"

"So we're good"

Mrs Mask left her side with a smile and light chuckle, but not before pinching Yuris cheek as Kuon gave Yuri a big smile, the black haired girl just fanned her face since she felt like she was sweating waterfalls.

Yuri felt a hand on her shoulder making her look and say "Nise-chan? What's wrong?"

"Well, we are here. Let's see how the interception goes, if there is no change in our plans. We'll charge ahead"

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now