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A loud siren echoed through the realm making Sniper and Mrs Mask freeze and look towards the sky

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A loud siren echoed through the realm making Sniper and Mrs Mask freeze and look towards the sky.

"A siren?"

"I've heard about it before, someone said it was to alert everyone about a major event that's going to go down. From what I recall"Mrs Mask explained.

After a few seconds it stopped Sniper turned to her and said "we shouldn't wait around any longer"

They quickly made their way inside the building where Aikawa was at, they ran down the hall as the female mask said "you can hear her?"

"Yeah, just follow me"

The adult masks turn a corner and they make it in front of this white curtain, sniper lifted it and saw Mayuko with 4 other masks in front of her.

"Good, we made it in time, how fun"Mrs Mask spoke.

"Mr and Mrs Mask!"Mayuko said in relief.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Goldie"the female mask says as she and Sniper stood next to her.

"You should take some rest to recover your stamina, we'll take care of them"Sniper spoke.

Mrs Mask looked at the 3 masked idol females in front of her, she smiled and says "cute"

The one with a long sword type spear lunged towards them, they quickly dodged the attack as Mrs Mask kicked the back of her knee making the idol fall to the ground but immediately regained her balance and the other female masks' ran to them in full speed.

She unlocked the trigger as she spun the chamber, she pressed it and the bullets flew out, the one with a blade ran around trying to dodge the bullets but Mrs Mask switched the nozzle to 8 instead of the signal bullets and it hit the idols leg.

She fell to the ground but as if she wasn't bleeding to death, the idol mask stumbled up.

"They're fast"Sniper spoke.

"Yeah, but we got it, it's not that bad..."Mrs Mask trailed off making him look at her with a blanked face.

She stared back and argued  "Either you want to see my fake optimism or annoyed pessimism, you choose"


The adult mask turned to Mayuko who says "I was able to rest enough, if the three of us can fight together, we can beat them without getting serious injuries"

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now