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"We traumatized her didn't we?"Mrs spoke as Yuri had ran off to go to the bathroom

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"We traumatized her didn't we?"Mrs spoke as Yuri had ran off to go to the bathroom.

"I guess, well, she distracts me. It's better that she's gone"Sniper responded.

"I love her style though, innocent but deadly"the female mask says leaned against the wall.

"But Ms.Yuri is strong"Kuon said.

"What ever happened between the three of you?"

"What do you mean? Yuri Honjo's also just a high school girl, she wasn't always this strong"Sniper explained.

"She overcame numerous struggles in this world and gradually became stronger"

"She overcame them and got stronger!"Kuon repeated with a smile.

"Here, you're stuff"Mrs spoke as she and Sniper handed the bags over to Mayuko and Kuon.

"And here, this is the phone the enemy had on them"Sniper said handing the phone over.

"You might be able to figure out who we're up against."


Mr, Mrs and Kuon walked down the hall in silence before the girl broke the silence.

"Mr and Mrs Mask? Do you think our enemy is still forcing people to put on the masks?"

"I guess so"the female mask responded.

"If we knew the enemy's location, we could use that ability of yours to blast away all of that."

"That cannot be undone"

The adult Masks stopped walking and turned to her.

"What? Why?"Sniper asked.

"Actually, they've got a human hostage with them."


"It's hard for me to tell you this, but it's Ms. Yuris older brother"

Mrs Masks' face soften and she turned to Sniper who only had wide eyes.

"So he ended up being hostage?"

"I'm sure he'll be able to manage the situation well"he says as he placed the cigar to his lips.

"Sounds like you have faith in him"Kuon said as Mrs twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.

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