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Hi! It's Alie, just wanted to let you readers know that from here and on is coming from the Manga.

So spoilers if you haven't read ⚠️

Enjoy! <3


Mr and Mrs Mask stood in the washroom, the female mask took her mask off and placed it down on the sink. She breathed out and slowly looked up to see her face.

She winced when she saw a cut that started from her cheekbone down towards her the middle of her cheek, she knew that it would scar. She grabbed paper towels as Sniper stood facing the wall.

"Do you need help?"he asked.

"No"she quickly responded.

"Let me help-No, I mean it. I'm okay"Mrs cut Sniper off.

She wasn't sure why she was embarrassed for him to see her, it's just a cut, a deep one. But it made her look...she didn't know how to explain it but she didn't want him looking at her. Especially after they both promised that they'll see each other in the light, it made her regret it.

"Hover the mask over your eyes, I promise I won't look if you're face is exposed a little. Let me help"Sniper spoke.

Mrs Mask looked at the back of his head through the mirror and sighed.


He breathed out and turned around, she had her mask hovering sideways to cover her eyes and nose. Leaning against the sink as her other hand held her up, He walked over and saw the cut on her cheek, the dry blood staining her skin as more sweep out.

Sniper placed his gun down and grabbed a rag from the cabinet, he found a bottle of rubbing alcohol, though it was almost out. He poured it onto the rag, his right leg stood in between her legs as he placed the rag on the cut.

Mrs Mask yelped slightly in pain, her legs pressing together making his leg sandwich in between, her hand that held her up went under his arm and she gripped onto the back of his shoulder.

Snipers breath hitched and quickly said "don't move"

"How can I not? This burns like a bitch"Mrs spoke out in pain.

"Stop!"he spoke up and gripped the back of her right thigh which rested in between his legs.

The female mask stood there and her face broke into a smile after figuring out what he means, she laughed softly and says "what?"

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now