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After that they saw Kuon sit down giving them the signal, Sniper pulled out a chair for Mrs and she sat down

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After that they saw Kuon sit down giving them the signal, Sniper pulled out a chair for Mrs and she sat down. He then sat next to her as the blue haired girl breathed out.

"Now I will like to talk about what I remember about the prophet, first, the prophets ability...the ability to intercept information" Kuon began.

"This ability is not just bugging telephones and receiving radio waves. This ability can directly perceive every event in a certain range in his brain"

"In short, the prophet can read others minds...but I am sure that the prophet has heard and seen every action we've taken"She explained.

It was quiet before Yuri spoke up "hey wait a minute, a clair voyance. It sounds like supernatural power or occult"

"Even in this weird world, do these things even exist?"

Mrs Mask leaned her head back as Kuon says "yuri-san...we've already used those supernatural or occult abilities"

"The battle has reached at such a level, I believe"

"If Kuon says so, it must be real"Mrs Mask spoke up as Sniper burnt out his cigar.

"If the prophet has such a powerful ability...the prophet should had already have all information we want to know..."

"For instance, the appearance, shape and detailed whereabouts of Mamoru Aikawa. If we have this information, me and Mrs Mask can shoot the prophet"Sniper says.

"The prophet definitely has information on Mamoru Aikawa...not only that but the information of the realms system and the specific method of how to become a perfect god..."Kuon said.

"And maybe he has information on Mrs Mask, since it's been going around that she seems to be the second God"

"And if we can require that information from the prophet we might be able to move ahead to achieve our objective, to end this realm in a peaceful manner"she finished.

"However...that is on an assumption that the prophet is going to cooperate with us"

"That's the point can we or can't we just trust the prophet?"Mrs Mask says.

"At first I thought this could be Aikawa's side traps, but it looks like it's not. But their is no guarantee that the prophet is on our side"

"We also don't know what advantage the prophet has by helping us"the female mask finished.

Sniper looked over at Yuri and says "Yuri Honjo, what do you think?"

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now