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The football mask eyed Mrs as she waved at him to come closer, he leaned back but quickly pushed himself forward and start to run towards her with an inhumane speed

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The football mask eyed Mrs as she waved at him to come closer, he leaned back but quickly pushed himself forward and start to run towards her with an inhumane speed.

The female mask grabbed her rotary gun and swung it to smack it across his face, she then slammed her heel into his foot. Grabbing onto one of his shoulder and used her knee to send a kneel into his gut, the masked man fell to the ground but before he could get up another hit with her gun was sent to his head.

He flew across the ground and landed with a huge thud, he heard the muffled innocent soft giggle that lingered with lust.

"You know...for a tall and muscular person... you're making me feel superior...I love that from you"Mrs Mask whispered and traveled her finger up his chest softly.

"Do you want to be a good boy and take that mask off for me? Please?"she spoke softly while her eyes softened a bit.

Mrs Mask quickly dodged a hit from the masked man fist, she laughed as she went under his arm and sent a kick behind his back. He landed on his knees and he felt her leg go over his shoulder behind him, he slit of the black dress falling down more to expose the soft pearl white skin next to his head.

"I would tell you to play my special game but...I had a little incident and my garter snapped, it wasn't a bad incident though, it was good...nice..."

Her hand went around his throat and she tightly closed her grip around it. The mask man reacted as he stood up, taking Mrs Mask up on his shoulders. But she quickly brought her weight to the side, bringing him down. Though she immediately used her hands to hold herself up as she got close to the ground.

She used her strength in her hips and legs and flipped him over, Mrs Mask then grabbed her rotary gun and saw that the masked man was slowing down. She smiled as her plan of him using up his strength while she only dodged worked, she saved her strength all up and she gets to just finish him off quickly.

"I would really love to get to know you...you seem fun for some reason"the female mask said.

"But...I'm already eyeing a man"

She pressed the trigger and the multiple bullets shot towards him, she started at his left shoulder, neck and right shoulder. His arms and head fell off as his body grew limp and it landed on the ground.

"Mrs and Mrs Mask, we've killed all of the enemy on this roof right? If so, we'll stick with our plan"Mayuko spoke.

"Can both Ain and I charge at their headquarters first?"

"Yep it is most dangerous when you pass directly underneath their headquarters."Sniper says as he went to stand next to Mrs Mask.

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now