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They continued to watch the fight from the building and Mayuko jumped up and said "Honjo-san?!"

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They continued to watch the fight from the building and Mayuko jumped up and said "Honjo-san?!"

Mrs Mask looked over and saw Yuri run into the area with the great angel over her shoulder.

"Don't fight against her!"the blonde called out.

"That was their plan"Sniper began.

"It seems like we have to fight that mask of anger, we'd better check the details of the plan in advance"

"Mayuko Nise, call Kuon"

They see Yuri extend her hand towards the great angel, after a few seconds light and sparks engulfed them and they knew that she had awaken him.

"Looks like he's awake"Sniper says.

"Shinzaki-san, yeah I'll put Mr and Mrs Mask on"Mayuko spoke into the phone.

She turned to the adult masks, Mrs Mask grabbed the phone as the blonde says "I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Mask, I must go to where Yuri Honjo is"

"I am scared of the mask of anger, but protecting Honjo-san is everything to me"

"Alright Goldie, take care of yourself"Mrs Mask said.

"Yeah take care of yourself"Sniper says after.

Mayuko looks at them and said "thank you both, for everything"

She ran off as Mrs Mask put the phone on speaker and turned to Sniper so they could speak to Kuon.

"Oi, dumpling"the female mask spoke towards the phone.

"Mr and Mrs Mask!"Kuon said in relief.

"We kind of have a grasp of the situation here, so let's share the information in detail"Sniper says.

"I'm glad we can talk again, sharing information is the top priority. Well tell me about Rika-sans situation first"


"Mr and Mrs Mask, I guess we finished the report. I'm sorry to hear about Rika Honjos-sans brainwash."Kuon spoke from the phone.

"Yes we need to wait and see how the great angels battle turns out. About Rika-san...I think it depends on how Aikawa moves..."

"Yeah alright, by the way Kuon. Theirs one thing me and Mrs Mask are worried about"Sniper says.

"Please listen to what I have to say Mr and Mrs Mask"

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now