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They took a rest between two pillars since they were still inside the building, she used her rotary as a seat

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They took a rest between two pillars since they were still inside the building, she used her rotary as a seat. Leaning on it slightly as she looked out the window, the ground below them disappeared into a dark abyss. She saw some small silhouettes of people running around trying to escape the masks, she sighed and looked away.

Sniper was staring at the photo case with that girls pic inside, she tilted her head and says "do you remember something else?"

He was quiet before saying "it's his younger sister..."

She sat up slightly and said "who this he?"

"Him..."Sniper only said.

She stared and sit up, she grabs her gun and grabs the photo card. Sniper looked at her as she places it back into the pocket inside his tux, she then pats his chest and spoke "How about you rest that brain of yours?"

He felt his mind cloud with a memory, like the scenery now jogged it up.

He felt soft hands hold his face as the woman leaned in, it was night time, she was wearing nothing but his white button up shirt.


Sniper blinked and came back to his current spot, the Amber eyed woman stared with wide eyes. She took her hand off his chest, he knew that she saw what he just saw now.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I called you that"She said and turned away.

He just stared and says "let's just continue our way"

"Yeah"she spoke and walked in front of him.

She didn't dare look at Sniper, for the first time, she was a bit flustered at the name calling. She's never used darling, not even on her targets, especially not on him. But for some reason, she knew that it felt right calling him that. Like she's been calling him that forever.

"Can we go somewhere?"

She turned to him at his question.


Sniper looked at her and says "Remember that boy I fought? With a sledgehammer?"

"Oh him, he broke my gun"she said and dragged her finger on the piece of metal she welded on to fix the crack beneath it.

"I need to meet up with him, and this girl"Sniper spoke and took out the photo card again.

darling, remember me? remember us? (Sniper Mask)Where stories live. Discover now