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"Thank you come again!" jungkook told the middle aged man who was already out of the door before he could finish saying it

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"Thank you come again!" jungkook told the middle aged man who was already out of the door before he could finish saying it.

He sighed and layed his head on the countertop. being a barista is a bit monotonous, especially for someone like jungkook. he wanted to go out there and explore the world, meet people...

take photographs..

he sighed loudly once again. oh how he wished for a break. and it's not the type of break where you rest, drink a tea and watch a movie. no, he wants to go somewhere, DO something...

Most of all, he was lonely

it's not like he has no friends, of course not. everyone wanted to be with the cute, friendly barista next to the counter. heck, that's the main reason he was put as the cashier in the first place!

Jungkook just wanted someone to. someone to go home to, someone who would cuddle him to death, someone to kiss him in sleep and whisper sweet nothingness to his ear...

someone like-


Jungkook immediately shot up and put on his 'blinding toothy smile'. Or the B.T.S ,  as yugyeom would call it.

(yep...i did that.. in case u didn't get it, BTS= Blinding Toothy Smile)

"Hi!! Welcome to Café Ra-" 

Jungkook stared.

His heart was thumping at an insanely rate, his ears seemed to have clogged at of course, his mind went blank..

it's not like the stranger was recognizable as he had a black mask on, a long, dull coat draped over his built body. he might be a few inches taller than jungkook himself. but the familiarity was uncanny.

why? why does this stranger look so....

"One Mexican spiced hot chocolate" the deep husky voice of the stranger bought jungkook from his stupor.

He flushed a deep red for being caught  spacing out but quickly picked up the small notebook and pen, " this order for mr.?"

"no need. I'm sitting near the window. Bring it to me" the stranger left without looking back, ignoring jungkook's pouty face.

"meaniee, didn't even say thanks"  jungkook reluctantly screamed the order to the kitchen, where a usual hyper yugyeom screamed ok

His hands unconsciously circled the necklace around his neck. a small crescent of the moon hung at the end jiggling to the rhythm jungkook was rotating it.

It was a gift...

A gift from taehyung given on his birthday, which age he couldn't really was a distant memory, just like his best friend..

only a memory..

"-kook! Jungkook--!....JUNGCOCK!" 

Jungkook swear he didn't squeal. he stared wide eyed at yugyeom, who was impatiently holding out the drink, his mouth curved to a grin.


"Little, kookie, i don't eat humans so that insult is no-

" You eat cows."

"and that i do...............- Hooold up-! Oi!!"

  Jungkook giggled and sprinted hearing his ex-best-friend's muffled curses.

yeah, he's still salty at yugyeom.. so what? sue him.

actually he forgave him the next minute but yugyeom doesn't need to know that.

jungkook carefully picked up the drink and made his way to the 'nameless meanie'

"this will be twenty ye-" he was interrupted with the deep voice cutting in-

"keep the change. and don't be so loud. it's very vexing" the stranger got up withought a glance, picking up his drink.

" fuck you" jungkook muttered and stuck out his tongue to the back of the man who was walking towards the door, already saying a few of the curses he knew.


"what did you say?" the stranger turned his head to look at the frozen young one who was staring fearfully at him.

"i-i-oh man holy shit-!im so sorry!  not fuck you! can i unfuck you?! !" jungkook just wanted to crawl a hole and sob in embarrassment. possibly with a banana milk in hand. 

what's with today?????

The figure continued to look at him in a calculated glance, his eyes showing a dangerous glint.

"Fucking Low Lives" He muttered and in a second. walked through the door, disappearing in jungkook's vision

Jungkook gulped. that was close..i probably deserved it tho..*sigh* let's just go through this day and you can scream later

a nearby bell sound made jungkook snap out of his demeanor.

he groaned, snapping his head back to see a few impatient customers ringing the bell multiple times..

" this is going to be a long day" 

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