The One That Got Away

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Tick Tock

Jungkook had faced many critical moments in his life. He has taken decisions with a leap of faith not knowing whether it would end prosperous or ruin his life.

The time where he had to choose between living alone in Korea or going with Namjoon to America definitely took the first place. Or even the time he had to choose which major and university to apply to-those were all terrifying back then but he trusted himself to not fuck things up.

But now...

Now he was genuinely lost.

True, there shouldn't be any hesitation. He shou-no- He MUST choose his brother but...

This is Taehyung.

A burning feeling on the base of his neck shook Jungkook out of his stupor. He lightly touched it, flinching when his fingertips grazed the light bruise that was probably an angry shade of red by now.

The bruise made by V, when he chocked him. 

When Taehyung tried to kill him.

" Jungkook " Namjoon's nervous voice came from behind him, urging him to choose them already. His brother couldn't believe that Jungkook had to even hesitate before choosing them.

" I-uhh..." Jungkook felt his vision blurry



" I shouldn't have done this" Jungkook screamed while running. A grenade exploded right behind them and he fell to the floor, screaming with fear.

" Come on " Taehyung  urged Jungkook, lifting the younger boy from the ground from his elbow. " We're nearly there" His urgent voice seemed to ground Jungkook, who immediately started to move his legs.

What was he doing there? Good question
Why did he follow Taehyung? An equally good question.

He cause pain for his brother. That much was clear. The look on Namjoon's face when Jungkook took Taehyung's hand would forever haunt him in his sleep but he had to do it. Whatever was going on was far over the boundary of what Namjoon could do. So if he finds answers to this mess, it would mostly get his brother out of this situation as well.

Because whatever is going on, it concerns him as well. Purposely or not, it seems as if Jungkook is the pivot- the axis where every thing is tied around. 

He is the main piece in this mess. If there is one person to resolve it-it's him and him only.

Jungkook's eyes unconsciously traced Taehyung's running figure next to him. The older man didn't look out of place even while running- He looked like that overly-perfect-athletic-jock-in-the-milk commercial ad or in other words, a person he can't recognize.

Jungkook needed answers. It seems as if there are obvious holes in life. Loop holes he wasn't even aware of!

" This way " Taehyung breathed harshly whilst directing Jungkook towards the exit- a huge rusty metal door stood tall infront of them .

Behind them, the sound of bullets firing started again and Jungkook knew-just knew that his brother won't just let him leave with Taehyung like that. 

" If we run, we can make it " Taehyung spoke, his eyes trained directly at the door and  Jungkook nodded in response.
They took off running, the soles of their shoes heavily thumping on the floor. Behind them a man yelled in pain but neither of them stopped.

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