Happier Than Ever

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" So, why the hell are you here? " Namjoon cocked an eyebrow at the three unwelcome figures that were sitting comfortably in the middle of his living room. Next to him, Jungkook let an impatient noise as his fingers nervously tapped to a beat against the  wooden coffee table infront of him. A habit he adapted from Namjoon himself

" Nice house you got here " Jin let his eyes roam around the pastel wall setting

" Answer my ques-"

" Oh ! You've got a backyard too !"

" Can you please -!" Jungkook rubbed his tired eyes " just focus on the matter at hand ?"

Suga leaned forward, his face morphing to a stern look unlike before " Look here Randa, You're in much deeper shit too. 'Cause unlike what you think, V's end goal is your litle brother over here. Not me or you- To him, we are just the remnants of an explosion, pawns that are not further useful. Hell, he just blasted three warehouses with no warning. No demand, no deal, not even a fucking hint. The world just woke upto masses of men dead in a single week "

 Namjoon crossed his legs, manspreading to appear in control " I understand that part Suga. What I don't is why you three are in my house, sitting in front of me talking to me about a problem that you were supposed to take care of years ago " 
Next to him, Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Namjoon's choice of words of addressing Taehyung as a 'problem'.

Suga sighed and leaned back. Next to him Jhope snickered at the older's visible frustration. 

" Do you want V to find Jungkook ?" Jhope asked Namjoon who looked at him with disinterest.

Namjoon subtly looked at Jungkook who was sitting next to him. He almost lost Jungkook before. Does he really want to take such a risk again ? But will Jungkook even look at him again if he tried to keep V away from him ?

Before Namjoon could give an answer, a melodic voice cut through the tension in the room like a sharp glass piercing the air " I don't need anyone to keep making choices to myself regarding my life " Jungkook sharply said, his eyes unwavering 

" You all identify so high but all you've ever done in life is running away" Jin frowned and started " I hardly think-"
 Jungkook cut him " Did I hit a nerve ?" The young boy pointedly said " Isn't that what's happening now ?  Fine, there may be things that I'm not aware of, and things you're not willing to tell me for some damn reason. But all I've seen is how you ride with your tails tucked behind your back as soon as a threat surface to ya'll. Honestly,- " Jungkook looked at everyone in the eye "-it's pathetic "

Jungkook got up from his seat  " I'm going to meet V- whether you like it or not. You're free to leave anywhere you want, but I don't want to run with you anymore. I just want my life back hyung " He looked with blurry eyes at Namjoon who was looking as hurt as he was. 

I want to meet Tae again  Jungkook thought but kept that to himself, knowing it wouldn't be an appropriate statement to make

At the silence of the room, he glanced back up again. Namjoon was looking at his feet that were slowly tapping against the floor. " You heard him " he spoke up. His voice taking a rough baritone " We're not going anywhere . You can go, but don't expect us to follow anymore " He quietly said.

At that Jin's and Hope's heads snapped to look at the man. Jin let out a flabbergasted scoff as he snapped his head to look at suga like can you believe this guy .

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