August D

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There he was.

Standing in full glory, his Raven Black hair swiped back with a bandana, Blood dripping from his face that was twisted with a hard expression was The Min Yoongi, commonly known in the underground as August D

The man himself was rumored to destroy one of the most influential Gangs back in the day with himself and two other acquaintances alone. It wasn't that his number of men were higher or they were rich in weaponry, it was his strategic skills and smooth talk in any situation.

Cunning was an understatement when introducing Min Yoongi. He could be a high class noble man by day and disguise as a street beggar at night. His flow of words in any given scene was incredible that it was known to have saved him from death itself in multiple times.

But seven years ago he disappeared. Just vanished without a trace, leaving his gang to fend off to themselves and eventually all of them broke off at the end. After all, a pack is only strong with a leader to guide them and in this case, after Yoongi abandoned his people, it was said that no one was worthy enough of the position so the gang was cease to exist. 

No one knew the reason to why he left or where he left. There were many theories, ones which were ridiculous or the ones that were too perfect that sometimes even the police forces had to double check to see if the theory was legit or not.

 There were only remnants left of the legend,  Min Yoongi

So what is he doing here now?

V and Yoongi. 

Fire and Water. 

Two alphas on the field.

No one could predict who would win. Both skilled in their own way. Two matching forces on the opposite sides of the blade.

If they were to become partners, they'd be unstoppable. A driven force too powerful . But given the circumstances, they stood against each other. 


" About time " Yoongi's raspy yet cynical voice was loud and clear across the basement. He wiped off a sweat droplet mixed with blood that rolled from his forehead. His gaze not wavering from Taehyung who stood 6 meters infront of him. " I almost thought you wouldn't show up" 

Taehyung was relaxed. Powerful or not, this is his prime. His domain. Yoongi was the outsider. He knew this building like the back of his hand which brings him to a greater advantage.

" State your business for raiding my base " Taehyung's voice was like the rising storm. It wasn't light nor heavy given the fact that he wasn't scared of the situation nor amused.

Yoongi wiped his blood stained gun from the hem of his camouflage top. He let out a small chuckle and looked back at Taehyung. Behind them another man fell to the ground with a slit throat. " Always point blank, aren't you kid" It was more of a statement than a question.

Taehyung didn't move a single face muscle. Not even at the blatant disrespect Yoongi showed in his speech. Maybe  August D was a legend back in the day but at present it is V who's feared the most. None of them were to be taken lightly under any circumstances.

As time ticked and Yoongi realized he wasn't  going to get any reaction out of Taehyung, he sighed and looked straight at the younger man. His cool, composed demeanor vanished and a black aura of death started emitting.

This was the true Min Yoongi.

Taehyung rested the weight of his body on the back of his heels and tightened his grip on the gun.

Now it has begun.

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