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( 13 years ago )

Choi Jung-hee was a beautiful woman.

Thick, natural black hair that flew like a blossomed flower in the wind, her blindingly, white smile and good figure, made her the instant talk of the town when she came of age for a suitable marriage.

Women wanted to be her and men wanted to be with her- She was a prodigy, an angel without their wings. Untouchable, a person that was always heard of but not seen or touched.

Until  she met Jeon Yu-Jun.

Yu-Jun, a name associated with the meaning king and ruler, combined with the ancestorial name 'Jeon' which is symbolic for 'he who is a pillar for the nation'.

The young man was versatile, quick in action, wise with words, cunning in schemes and handsome by nature. 

The reunion between Jung-hee and Yu-Jun was named to be powerful by most, a couple that was unbreakable. With the added weight of wealth and strength of their noble families, their marriage was one of a kind, considered to be grander than most kings.

It was said that their marriage ceremony went for days, each family taking turns and funding the event, but underneath, everyone was show casing their wealth and extravagant.

Like a spark of fire, they came to fame for a period of time and soon after disappeared under the shinning cameras of the media and soon after, no news regarding the couple was let out to the public.

As most stories go, citizens eventually moved on, media found someone else to latch on and the nation's supposed queen and king was known no more.


Jeon Jung- Hee was a good mother. She was proud of her two sons- The oldest is wise beyond compare and the youngest was brave and pure hearted. As a mother, and a wife, she had everything at the palm of her hands.

But she wasn't blind. She knew their wealth and status was overwhelming, was too sudden and rash to them. They were still immature, and haughty.

That's why Yu-Jun made a contract with 'them'.

The amount in their bank accounts were more than enough for their whole family and for two upcoming generations to live freely. But with the added responsibility came the risks and fear.

Fear of one day waking up to see everything they worked hard for, lost and stolen from under their very eyes.

There shouldn't be a single crack in their carefully built castle of glass, or the slightest nudge would collapse everything to rumbles.

Yu- Jun in particular, had no peace of mind. Planning, scheming everyday for a suitable method to secure their treasures.....and word travels fast- soon they found themselves infront of the underground, having a contract with a vile, callous man.

Their lives, exchanged for safety.

As she watched her husband sign the damned papers, She wondered if they have done the right thing after all.

They made a deal with the devil.

More specifically, a contract with Kim Don-ho

Jung-Hee remembered that day specifically, because there was an uninvited surprise guest that appeared spontaneously in the room.

A boy of her youngest son's age with black locks, eyes narrow and judging them. He was not shy nor afraid of them, merely stood beside his tattooed father and looked at them - She knew this was her imagination but- with pity. 

As if he knew they were making a mistake- his eyes could see their future. Bloodied and lifeless.

Jung- Hee had quietly asked the boy his name, because the boy terribly reminded her of her own.

" Kim Tae-Hyung" He replied.

Maybe that was their first clue to turn around with their tail tucked safely between their legs.

Because Tae-Hyung meant danger, to trample and to wash all the good, worthy, or virtuous that stood infront of them.

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