Root Of The Problem

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" This isn't what we agreed on- You Bastard ! Wha- No ! The fuck you on about ? Your payment will ONLY be forwarded next month . The Hell you mean ? Are you fucking threatening me ? He- HEY ! I'm not done talking ! Don't you dare hang u- !

SHIT- Mother fucker !" 

The first day Jung- Hee realized something was very wrong was when a call at midnight came from Kim Don-Ho.

Though her husband went out of their bedroom to answer the wretched phone, she could still hear the one sided conversation her Yu-Jun had with him. 
She slowly slipped out of the bed and slid into her night slippers. She walked to the office room and leaned onto the door frame, her eyes scanning the hunched back figure of her husband at the Red-wood table. 

Knowing she followed him, his gruff voice came without looking at her, " He wants twice the payment tomorrow. This is the fourth month straight he's asked it for. I can't pay him 4 Million per month Jungie " He collapsed onto the chair and sighed, palm supporting his chin. 

Jung-Hee walked towards him and cupped his face. He looked twice as aged than he was because of the pressure. His handsome face pinched and eyes strained with worry. 

" What do you suggest darling ?" She quietly asked while massaging his scalp.

A moment of silence and Yu- Jun's voice came from below her " I'm sorry "

" What ?" 

" I know you didn't want to go through with this deal. But you supported me nevertheless. I'm a fucking failu-" 

" I trust you "

Yu- Jun looked at her. His eyes searching for any lie in her face. She gave a small smile towards him " Besides, signed a deal when getting married to you, right ? So whatever you're doing, I'm with you " 

Yu-Jun took her hands to his and squeezed them. He gazed at her beautiful face 
" Will you trust me one more time ?"

She squeezed his hand back " I will "


As her husband went to get a glass of water from the kitchen, Jung-Hee saw a shadow fall behind her from a nearby room. 
Her oldest son, Namjoon stood with his face passive with emotion, body half slanted towards where he was leaning.

" Joonie - why aren't you asleep ?" She walked towards him carefully. Her oldest son was a tactician; Wise as a serpent yet harmless as a dove. He was a voice of reason rather than emotion. 

" Is it him ? "

She tilted his head in confusion, " Who ?"

Namjoon stood up straight " Taehyung's father. Is he the one you're hiding us from ?" 

Jung- Hee raised her guard. As mentioned, her son was far more intelligent for his age. It was quite hard to let anything go past him. But at the same time, she knew their was no point in pretending. Namjoon never confronted them with anything without having his facts straight. He might have already figured half of what was going on.

Jung-Hee spoke, her voice low to keep Yu Jun from hearing their conversation " Yes. But you need not wor-"

" He's the one causing dad to be so stressed ?"

" W-well, in a way, yeah "

" Is he dangerous ?"

"...yes "

Namjoon nodded. " Good night mom " He turned and started to walk to his bedroom. Jung-Hee blinked. That was it ? Her mind quickly went through their conversation, analyzing anything she missed. 

" Joon" She called out and Namjoon stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look at her.

" Do not resent the child. He has no part in this madness " 

Namjoon walked into his room without a word and closed his door...

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