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The said man sauntered towards Namjoon, Like a predator cornering his prey.

Namjoon lifted his bloody face to look at the intruder and from jungkook's point of view he could see how his brother's emotions went through a rollercoaster ; from confusion to recognition, fury, and finally a blank face, all in a quick millisecond 

"Finally caught you Randa " A husky low sinister voice echoed through the space 

 Jungkook merely had the second to think-Randa who-? When a pair of gleaming black eyes looked straight at him.

"And who might you be, Belle fleur? "

(Belle fleur- 'Beautiful Flower' in French )

Jungkook immediately blanked at the attention. He couldn't form words much less answer the question asked by the mysterious man who continued to stare at him with a resting face. 

Although his eyes showed a hint of curiosity..

The Doe-Eyed boy couldn't understand the meaning of what he said at the end but the frown on Namjoon's face did not settle Jungkook.

Just as he was about to ramble  anything at all,

"AZURAKI ! His name is Azuraki ! " Jungkook whipped his head to look at Namjoon who was breathing heavily, his face twisted in pain.

The handsome man merely tutted in annoyance. His perfect eyebrow curved in dissatisfaction.

" Speak when I tell you to , chien"  He growled in authority to Namjoon. 

( chien- dog)

Jungkook's voice betrayed him as he let out a tiny whimper involuntarily and immediately looked down, seeing the man's attention on him again.

"Is he speaking the truth, flower? " The man asked the question from Jungkook with his hands in his pockets, his eyes burning holes in Jungkook.

The young boy stuttered.

Hyung clearly didn't want my name to be known.. but why?

 "Y-yes" he  whispered a little 'sir' at the end

"And you? W-what's your name?" 

Jungkook braced himself. Stupid fucking mouth! he didn't even know why he said that.

 Jungkook couldn't pinpoint why or how but this man..this man looked so familiar. He felt so close yet far away. As if he wouldn't hurt Jungkook in anyway.

I'm going crazy

Jungkook hazily thought.

The air was thick you could cut a knife thought the tension. A pin-drop could be heard through the shaky breaths of Jungkook's and heavy exhales of namjoon's..

The mysterious man stared clearly in amusement at Jungkook. without replying he gestured from his hand and immediately the men surround Namjoon picked the nearly passed out man and Jungkook vaguely heard the man behind him riffling around.

All the time Jungkook and the man didn't break eye contact, the world moving around them but time stopped between the two.

Just then a piece of cloth got stuffed on Jungkook's face and he struggled only to give up at the losing fight.

He could feel his vision blurring and his senses weakening.

Right as he was about to pass out, the man neared Jungkook and whispered in his ear,

" V..That's my name petal. Remember it"

Jungkook fell into unconsciousness. 









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