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" putains de bâtards (fucking bastards)  " Taehyung let out a vicious curse, looking at the open door. The place he left Jungkook merely hours ago. He paid no attention to the dead man at the front, merely a sense of annoyance at how his men weren't seemingly trained enough.

A Failure.

" Gather all the men. Block the gates NOW." Taehyung growled, a thin vein of anger popping on his forehead.

" We are going to surround them"

Because Jungkook was not going anywhere. 
He is not going to lose him .

Not again.
Never again.


" This place is a fucking labyrinth ! " Jhope panted, his eyes drifting from the multiple hallways and closed rooms. It was true, they've been running for quite some time now and it was getting on his nerves.

" Lead us to the damn exit already !" He scowled at Jin who was equally sweating with the amount of physical exercise they had to endure in one hour. "Wouldn't we be out of here if I knew the way, fox?" Seokjin's cynical voice drifted lazily as the older man ruffled his perfect hair, letting a few drops of sweat fall on the floor.

Namjoon sighed. Now Jin's done it.

 When they were young and radical, the gangs they were in were harsh and grim. The underground was run by brutal men and mostly those with banters with their past. Men with no emotion. They were trained to be killers, cold-blooded murderers and there was no place for the weak.

After all, the rules of survival never changed. Whether you're in a desert or an arena, the strongest and the most skilled survives.

Except one single man was different than the rest .

The man was extremely skillful with his hands, talented in his feet and had a core strength like no other. But what stood out the most was his no remorse. Jhope was the first person to shoot a man dead in their group, the first person to torture an innocent man for a higher position.

Hobi killed whoever he wanted with no guilt. He was dangerous. Hobi's thirst for death grew day by day. He went on a rampage to kill- with or without purpose. He became stronger and stronger, more stubborn and less like a bull in a reigns.

It was hard for the big guns to keep him under control. They feared him. Feared the man who could kill them in their sleep. 

 When a whole city in Gwanchu was wiped by a single man and Jhope started to get  known as the 'night killer' in Korea, people began to fear him. there were specialized locks made known as the 'repellent of hope'- a double metal padlock with 13 locks just to keep him away.

But there was one single flaw.

Though gangs were made in the dirt, known as a place with filth, the concept of team was widely accepted. It was a common ground rule in any gang that one must not betray the trust of one's family. 

And Hobi was the opposite. He went Solo- a black sheep that did not belong with the rest

So he was known as a low backstabber in the gang. shade was thrown left and right to Hobi. One particular term stuck out form the rest, 'fox'.

In the ancient Greek, the god Dionysus sent a giant fox as punishment to eat the children of Thebes. To defend the children, Creon, the leader of Thebes, send a dog with special powers to catch the giant fox. The fox, who did not listen to his family that pleaded him to not fight- ends up dying in the hands of the dog. From that tragedic day onwards, the term fox was used in underground slang to denote a person with no family. A traitor. 

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