17- The 7 dark part of "God" part 2 and Kiana will explain her power.

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(Third Person POV)

After hearing those sinister power of the "End", the 4 Devil Kings couldn't help but shiver at the sight.

Tiamat: Crom Cruach is the only person who can help you the most. So good luck with that.

Serafall Do you know where we can find Crom Cruach?

Tiamat: Well that be a problem, he is a fanatic fan of the "End" and her children. That insane maniac would probably try to kill all of you for disrespecting them.

After finishing explaining everything, Tiamat finally disappeared inside the cave. She glad because she doesn't want anything to do with "End".

Serafall: Well... That went well.

Serafall said dryly and Falbium simply shrugged it off while the other 2 just frowned.

Ajuka: It seem we need to inform the Devil Council about this development.

Serafall: I will do it, since I am particularly responsible for the whole mess.

Sirzechs: Don't worry, I will be there too... if you are responsible then I am equally responsible.

Sirzechs eyes downcast at the revelation. Moment later, all 4 of them disappeared as they needed to arrange a meeting. A meeting none of them were looking forward to. They were pretty sure that the Devil Council would use this chance to gain more power... for 1 month that is.


Shemhazai: Are you sure that a good idea, Azazel?

Azazel looked up and gave Shemhazai a questioning look. Realize that Azazel didn't understand, Shemhazai decided to elaborate the matter.

Shemhazai: I mean telling Vali and Kokabiel!

Azazel: I had no other choice. For the survival of our Race, I need to tell them. If Kokabiel has a brain then he won't do anything stupid and it is the same with Vali.

Azazel could release a defeated sigh, it was best they could have. If they understand, then will not do any stupid things to them.

Azazel: I wanted them to know what sort of backlash we can expect. If they still provoke them then I can't do anything.

Shemhazai: I hope it turn out the way you want. Speaking of this, what about Baraqiel?

Azazel: I don't even want to talk about it. But if he disregards my order the I will have to cut my loss.

Shemhazai eyes grew wide in shock after hearing those words. Is he abandoned his friend like that?

Shemhazai: Azazel, He is our...

But before he could finished, Azazel cut him off.

Azazel: Yes, he is our friend but as a leader, I need to think about the well being of our whole race. He is my friend but I won't stand aside if he does something stupid and instigated another war.

Shemhazai contemplated his words and released a defeat sigh. Azazel was right. He is the leader of the fallen Angels. The wellbeing of their race took priority first for him. Friend were important but Azazel need to consider their whole race.

(Unknown Location)

???: Are you sure about this, milord?

A mysterious silver hair man asked another silver hair man.

???2: Yes, of course. This is going to be the best... with the reawaken piece on board, we would be able to cause so much chaos and destruction. Do you know what will happen if the Devils and the Church faction annoy the Herrscher family?

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