20- Acquire the cat

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(A/N: So I was reader my fanfic when I find out that some pictures got take it out. It's that Wattpad are just being dumb. I wonder why the hell are they doing this, those picture I unpload for you guys got take it out. Can you guys help me or is the Wattpad just fcking with me? Anyway here your chapter today.)

(Third Person POV)

(Imaginary Tree)

Seele: Hello! Can I pet you please?

Seele asked innocently as she stood in front Ddraig who sleeping near to one of the "Apple". Ddraig opened his eye and gave Seele a questioning look. If he remember correctly, this girl is the Herrscher of Death and innocent part of death itself. Ddraig gave her a snort of approval. He has a feeling that if he refuse, he won't get away alive for some reason.

Seele beamed with a bright smile and gently patted her hand on Ddraig snout and started to caress it. The moment when she patted, Ddraig felt good for some reason. Ddraig was currently feeling pure bliss. Maybe this Herrscher wasn't too bad it seem.

All of a sudden, Seele stop petting Ddraig who was practically purring right now. Ddraig eyes flew open and focused on Seele. He wanted to ask why she had stopped but keep it to not make her angry.

Seele: My name is Seele, do you want to become my friend?

Ddraig: Yes, let become friend.

(POV Kiana)

I saw that Seele went straight to the tree to meet are new pseudo-Herrscher. Well, it wasn't like Ddraig hate his humanoid form or anything, at least he got freedom so it a win-win condition.

I furrowed my brows when I noticed that Vali Lucifer telling his team about me. Hmm... the "White Dragon Emperor" would be good candidate if he too become a pseudo-Herrscher. I teleport myself near his team and good-old British cup of tea.

I decided to patiently wait for them to finish their conversation before butt-in. I wasn't going to intrude in their private conversation, I have manners unlike that Goddess CPU. And just you know, flex tape won't work on this Fanfic because I'm Omnipotent, my reader.

Anyway, it seem the conversation has come to it end, so I decided to make my presence known. I appear beside their team. Le Fay Pendragon said something really touching at the end, so I decided to give them my opinion.

Kiana: Very interesting conversation here you got there. Mind if joins?

The whole group froze and jumped away. It seem my appearance surprised them a bit. The whole group landed on their feet as they immediately entered their battle stances, getting ready for a fight. Even though they were able to make some distance between us, it was meaningless in front of me.

Kiana: Greeting young primitive, since you were talking about me. I thought it would appropriate for me to pay a visit... don't you thinks?

Arthur Pendragon: You are the "End"?

He brandished his sword, the holy sword "Caliburn", but no matter how much I see it, I saw one better than this in another universe.

Vali: How did you find us?

Kiana: I'm all powerful, I know all and I'm everywhere.

I said mysteriously and dissolve the cup of tea into nothing. I noticed all of their eyes focused on the cup of tea that disappeared. Did the destruction of a simple cup of tea was amazing?

Le Fay: Then that mean you really are Omnipotence?

Kiana: Ara ara, it seem we have a smart one here!

The group kept looking at each other except for that Neko who called Kuroka. She kept watching me intently. She was using her "Senjutsu" on me but that didn't matter to me. If my memory was correct, there was this anime call "Naruto" and it was called "Sage art".

After a few second, she released a defeated sigh and her whole body became lax. All of sudden, she bowed her head, surprising the rest of the group. Before anyone could ask her what she was doing, she began to speak up.

Kuroka: Can you please spare my sister nya~? You can kill me in her place, nya~, but please let her go.

She begged and gave me a pleading look. There were no pretences or anything, she was simply begging for her sister life for hers.

Bikou: Kuroka! What the hell have you done to her?!?

Ok seriously, why am I the only one who is to blamed when someone tries to surrender and be kill?

Kuroka: No, Bikou! She hasn't done anything to me, nya~. I'm doing this out of my free will, nya~.

She hurriedly explained, she didn't want any of her friend to make any mistakes, good job.

Kiana: As expected, your Corruption energy as excel what a normal yokai can have.

Now, what should I do about her? Hmm... maybe Seele, Veliona and Bronya would become friend once more.

Albion: "End"?

Kiana: Well well well, Ddraig had lot of things to say about you. He was extremely happy when I saved him.

Vali frowned when I save Ddraig from his Booster Gear.

Albion: Saved him?

Kiana: Oh yes, saved. You see he wasn't happy with his current host or his fate being sealed inside a Sacred Gear for the rest of his existence. So I offered to save him and he took the chance. Obviously, I saved him and he got a new body with some few power up. Now, I would like to extend the same for to you.

Everyone eyes focused on Vali Lucifer who was scowling right now.

Albion: Can I have some time to think about it? I kind like my current host.

Kiana: Very well, you have a month... In a month, the entire Devils race will be exterminated from existence. I might accidentally end your existence too since your host is a Human-Devil hybrid.

Hearing what Kiana said, Vali was about to blow his gasket and charge before Albion stopped him from doing anything stupid.

Albion: Vali!!! Don't do anything stupid! She will end your existence, if you attack her!

Kiana: You are lucky that your partner saved you, anyway you still have 1 month to live, just pray those Devil to pay their remunerations. You could also train, and maybe then you might at least entertain my daughter.

Vali could only grit his teeth in anger and rage as he lowered his head at my mockery. Then my eyes focused on Kuroka.

Kiana: Now Kuroka, can your sister turn into a cat?

Even though I already know, is still better to ask people opinion.

Kuroka: Umm... no? But I could teach her, nya~.

Kiana: Good, both of you and your sister are spared and you will be coming with me.

She completely stilled for a moment and then nodded her head. She then turned her comrades and gave them an apology look.

Kuroka: Sorry, nya~. I know you guys have done a lot for me but my sister is my top priority, nya~.

Kiana: Don't need to be so dramatic... it's not like I am imprisoning you. You would be free to leave and visit your friends but you will be staying in my dimension.

Kuroka: You mean I would be able to leave, nya~? What if I run away, nya~?

Kiana: I'm Omnipotent little cat. It good to meet all of you... even you, Vali Lucifer, also tell Ophis I said hi for me.

With that I disappeared along with Kuroka and both of us reappeared in my dimension.

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