wake up.

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Jais PoV.

To you all.

Linda, thankyou. you took me in when I had no-one, showed me you care, you even gave me my own room and its more than I ever wanted, I appreciate it and love you so much. but you don't deserve a burden of a niece to be living with you. I love you so much for all you have done and want nothing more than you to be happy. I will forever be greatful.

Jai, you have shown me a lot. when i'm with you I can be happy, you gave me the slightest bit of hope. no-one else has ever been able to do this for me. I really like you and I thank you for these past two weeks. though I have only known you a short time, you mean a lot to me. thankyou.

Gina, you've been like a second auntie. I thank you for showing me that you care, thankyou for being one of the people who could make me smile.

Luke, you love teasing me but I cant thank you enough for it. you've shown me how to take a joke, you've been like a brother I appreciate it.

Beau, you have given me the older figure and you've had my back throughout my mini debates with the boys, we slayed them both! thankyou so much.

all of you, I'm so sorry for this, I want you to know that I will always be here and I care for you all. by the time you read this i should be with my parents now, I miss them and I will miss you. I love you all so much and I thankyou for everything.

-Abs x

my eyes scanned over the letter for the 100th time. Linda, Mum, Luke, Beau and I were in the hospital waiting room waiting for news. Abbie was getting her systems flushed. She had lost a lot of blood due to her cuts as well as the effects from the overdose. we had all been crying, me and Linda especially. I was devastated. what if she didn't survive.

"Hello" the doctor said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Abbies system is fully flushed. We have managed to keep her stable and she is alive however her body has not got enough energy at the moment so she is unable to awaken at this point in time as she did lose a lot of blood. The most important part is that she should be fine. you are welcome to go in and see her." she finished and I have never been so relieved in my life.

my mum pulled me into a hug and I cried of happiness as Linda led the way into her room. Abbie lied there asleep looking so pale, lifeless but she still looked gorgeous. I sat the opposite side of the bed and Linda sat on the other.

"Linda, you've had a long day at work, you should get some rest" my mum told her. " I can't leave her" Linda sighed "well how about me and the boys take you to get a coffee in the café in here." my mother suggested.

Linda took a while but eventually she nodded " jai will you please stay with her?" she asked. "of course" I smiled. They all exited. Before she left my mother whispered " she may be able to hear, talk to her."

I coughed. "Abbie. I- uhh." c'mon jai you can do this. "You know when I first met you, you seemed so shy, I could see in your eyes that you were in pain inside, I instantly knew I needed to help. When you told me about the bullies I was gobsmacked. How could anyone bully such a gorgeous, hilarious girl. That's what you are abs, perfect. You're my definition of perfect." I took her hand. " you may, or may not be able to hear me but I want you to know that I can't lose you, you don't deserve this Abbie, I will be here for you night and day, 24/7, no matter what. The truth is Abs, I really like you and I knew it from the moment I layed eyes on you" I sighed. I decided to sing, its something I loved to do. I began to sing the words to Justin Bieber - be alright.

across the ocean,

across the sea,

starting to forget the way you look at me now,

over the mountains,

across the sky,

need to see your face,

I need too look in your eyes,

through the storm and through the clouds,

bumps on the road and upside down now,

I know its hard babe to sleep and night,

don't you worry,

'cause everything's gonna be alright,


Abbies PoV

Everything was dark but I felt so good. I never wanted to leave wherever I am. I could hear things going on around me but I couldn't open up my eyes or even speak but right now I didn't want to. I didn't know if my suicide attempt had worked but everything seemed okay at the moment.

"The truth is Abs, I really like you and I knew it from the moment I layed eyes on you"

was that jai? I can hear him! he likes me? I like him too. At that moment I wanted to open my eyes and tell him I felt the same but I just couldn't. then I could faintly hear someone singing, It must be jai and he's not bad, he's really good. if I could smile now, I would. I realised I had a hand in mine, I used all my energy to squeeze his hand as tight as I could and I heard him say 'oh my god Abbie'. I still couldn't open my eyes at this point and he resumed singing. he was now near the end of the song.

" you know that I care for you, i'll always be there for you, I promise you I will stay right here"

his voice gave me such motivation. come on Abs you can open them.


oh so Abbie is alive and she wants to wake up for jai aw. but what happens when he's not there? will she go back to feeling down and depressed? we'll find out soon.

love you's


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