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Abbie's PoV

I was dreading school. I hated the last one, what if I just run into another bunch on bullies?

On the bright side I've got jai and Luke and me and Jai are alright now! So I'm not gonna be alone.

I was already up, showered and dressed . I was just waiting for the boys to come get me. Beau was driving us today.

My phone bleeped and the screen flashed up saying

From: Luke
We'Re outside.

So I grabbed my stuff and ran out.
" goodbye Hun, have a good day! Love you" my aunt Linda called after me.
I shouted bye and that I love her too before getting in the car.

" ready to go to the hell hole" Luke jokes and I shuddered, picturing it being how my old school was and Jai must have noticed. " don't worry, it's not going to be like your other one,it will be better, we will make sure you enjoy it so you can tick it off the list,we promise" he smiled from beside me. I nodded and smiled along too.

"We have reached you destination" beau said in a emotionless machine tone, we piled out of the car and said goodbye.

"Ready?" Luke asked
I looked up at the school. I wasn't ready. I was scared to say the least. But I lied.
"Yup" I told him popping the p. I was shaking.
" take my hand " Jai offered. And after a mental debate with my self I nodded and took his hand.

We all walked through the doors together. There were different crowds scattered around and you could tell what type of cliques people were in.

" Jai, Luke!" A boy called from a bench by some lockers. We began walking towards him and a girl he was with.

" Abbie, James and Georgia" Jai explained pointing to them one by one.
I waved awkwardly as they smiled at me and said hello.
" James is in our YouTube group and Georgia's our friend that we've known since the start of school"

Then a bell rang.

" I have to go to the principles office for my timetable and a meeting before I start lessons" I said.

" that's right by biology, I have that first so I'll take you on the way" Georgia offered. She seemed nice.

"Yeah please" I smiled turning to the boys.

" we will see you at break, text us and we will come and get you from wherever" Jai smiled and I nodded before walking off with Georgia.

" it's nice to have another girl around " she laughed.

" oh is it only usually you? " I asked her.

" kinda. There are other girls but they enjoy major girly stuff so they aren't always with us and I prefer just chilling and the boys are pretty chill so I stay with them" she explained

" yeah I'm not into girly stuff either, I'd rather sit with like and Jai " I laughed.

" thank god, I think we will be good friends " she joined in laughing. " this is it, good luck" she smiled. I thanked her and waved goodbye before knocking at the door that read ' PRINCIPLES OFFICE'

"come in" a lady called.
" ah Abbie Cartright, it's a pleasure to meet you, take a seat" she smiled.
I sat on the chair opposite her desk.

She handed me a timetable and a booklet about the school with maps and things I needed to know. We had a pretty boring 5 minute conversation about the school before she told me that she'd call me in after my first week to check on me and that my first lesson was right next door.

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