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I awoke with immediate realisation of what happened yesterday. I looked back on myself and how worked up I got and groaned. All that sympathy made me feel week.

I looked to jais bed and saw it was empty and his stuff were gone.
" he left early to walk" Luke explained from where he was sitting across the room. " he won't talk to me, he's upset too. I don't real-"

"Don't worry" I cut him off "if he doesn't care then I shouldn't either" I continued.

"He wouldn't be upset if he didn't care" Luke pointed out. But I pushed that possibility away and simply said " guilt is an ugly thing" before walking off to the bathroom to get ready.

I was ready, packed and so happy to be going home. Me and Luke were about to enter the lobby where we were nearing everyone, including Jai.

We walked through the doors. Jai looked up quickly at me and looked down even quicker when we gained eye contact. " about time lets go homeee" Daniel laughed but that didn't break any tension.

After checking out we all piled into the car. I got the window seat with beau to my side, Luke was on his other side while Jai was in the front passenger seat and skip and James were behind us.

We were driving along quietly when beau nudged me. I looked at him with a 'What' look.

" He likes you, not her" he whispered. Jai must've spoke to him but I didn't care. It's bullshit.

I turned away before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Beaus POV

The car pulled up outside our houses after a long ass ride home. Awkward is an understatement. Abbie slept the majority of the time and I felt so bad, but she didn't see what Jai was doing. He told me everything and let me read through his messages.

Okay so yeah Jai was being a bit friendly, but number one: this girl knew the janoskians and watched us on YouTube and number 2: she went through what Abbie is going through( loosing both parents) and was helping Jai out, giving him ideas on how to help Abbie and stuff. He WASN'T talking to her the way he talks to Abbie, no way.

We all got out and the boys grabbed there things from the back and walked up our drive way while Abbie walked up hers. I told Jai that I would speak to her and now was a good time.

"Abbie can i come in for a bit?" I called. I could tell that she wanted to be alone and that worried me.. But she reluctantly nodded and I followed her up the drive and into the house.

" what?" She asked plainly as we sat on the sofa.

" where's Linda?" I asked.

" work. She should be back soon I think"

" listen Abbie, you need to know that jasmine isn't who Jai likes.. It's you. He let me read through the texts and explained everything to me. I know everything. He was speaking to her for you Abbie." I told her.

"What the fuck? For me?" She looked at me confused.

"She has been through the parent thing too, she lost both of hers and she knows what it's like. She was giving Jai advice and if you would have read their texts you would know that "

" I did read them" she retorted.

" all of them?" I asked. She shook her head. " see, he meant no harm and you need to talk to him" I told her.

" why does he seem more interested in her rather than me then?"

" he's not. I promise and-" before I could finish the front door opened and closed revealing Linda.

" AUNT LINDA" Abbie ran into her arms.

"ABS" she laughed hugging her niece. " hello beau"

" hey" i replied before getting up and walking to the door. " talk to him" I whispered into Abbie's ear before leaving the house.

At least she's not alone now, I don't want her doing anything stupid.

Jais POV

I was in mine and Luke's room, we had just got back and I was feeling like utter shit. I miss Abbie, I was almost sure that I had lost her.

" you're a dick, Yano that?" Luke said as he walked in the room. " you had her, you made her fucking happy Jai so why the fuck do you have to fuck it up for"

" fuck off Luke you don't know what you're talking about" I snapped back.

" okay so when you fucked up, I wasn't the one who was there to hear how upset you made her? Yes I fucking was, she told me how she feels and she feels like shit because of you" he shouted.

" it's not my fault, I love her Luke. She has got it wrong and only knows half the story. I- I love her." I said the last bit quietly.

" so what the fuck is jasmine? Because you taking to her has cost you a lot."

" a friend " I told him

" pretty close , huh? You have no idea how you've made Abbie feel." He shook his head at me.

" i know that I've upset her, I fucking know that okay you don't need to remind me because i know and I'm hurting too"

" YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW JAI. When I found her in the state that she was, do you know what she said to me? " he asked as if I was supposed to know.

" obviously not if I wasn't there."

" she told me that she didn't want to be here anymore. Yes at first I thought she meant that she wanted to come home but she didn't Jai... She meant here all together" he looked at me in shame. " she wanted to die, you made her feel like that Jai. Maybe it was only for a short moment. But you did, how can you defend yourself to that?" He slowly said at the end as if he was ashamed to be my brother, my twin.

" I- " I didn't know what to say as he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

How did I do this to her? I'm a idiot, no I'm more than a idiot and I didn't deserve her. I love her and I made her feel this way? Jai what the fuck have you done.

I have never felt this ashamed in my life, all I knew to do was cry and that's what I did.

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