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Abbies PoV

Me and Jai stayed in my room and watched TV in there rather than going back into the room with the boys to watch saw.

"Jai.." I started.

"mm?" he replied

"i miss him.. my dad" suddenly I felt the need to open up and tell him everything. " can I tell you what happened?" I asked him.

"of course you can Abbie" he smiled at me.

"In the morning My dad had practically forced me out of bed.. it was a Friday and he insisted that it was necessary that I go to school. He surprised me with pancakes that morning, my favourite breakfast! and he even drove me to school and he promised me that everything would get better, told me to be strong and to smile because whitney and the boys hated it.. I tried but it was just so hard. The day was long and hard, like the rest, I was in last period..."


"And that is how you find the missing angle. Its all pretty simple" Mrs Moore, my maths teacher explained.

My phone began ringing and my face went red as everyone looked at me, Whitney, josh and lewis all laughed at me as the teacher walked over as I looked at the caller id.. it was dad, he knows im in class why would he-

"Miss Cartright, put that on silent and back into your bag before I have to take it away. lesson ends in five minutes you can call whoever that was back then" she told me before returning to the front of the class and rambling on about math that no one cared about.

The last five minutes was a drag and I was nearly asleep when the bell rang but when it did I was the first one up and out of the classroom.

You wasn't aloud your phone out in the corridors so I aimed to get outside as soon as possible, as quick as I can but as I reached the school doors..

"Cartright." Josh stood infront of me, towering over.

"leaving so soon?" whitney cackled.

" let me out please" I practically begged them trying to barge past.

" oh no no no. We want to talk" Josh smirked. Lewis just stood there smiling the whole time.

I smiled because my dad told me too and said simply " thanks for the offer but no thanks" and went to squeeze through the gap between the door and him.

" don't be sarcastic with me" he growled. " lewis" he gestured to lewis and I knew what was coming.

"go on" whitney egged lewis on. He neared me and raised his hand before swiftly colliding it with my face and I groaned in pain causing them all to laugh but it gave me the chance to make a run for it.

As soon as I was out of sight I dialled down my run to a fast walk and pulled my phone out and saw that my dad had left me a message so I stopped in my tracks to listen.

" Hey Abs" he breathed strangly heavily. " I'm sorry to call you in class... I... i'm hurt abs. W-we were robbed. I need you to know that I love you with all my heart and always will. Be strong.. for me. I love you Abbie." then it cut off.

my heart sunk and tears pricked at my eyes and I ran, I sprinted all the way home to see an open door. "DAD" I shouted.

as I entered the house I saw that everything was trashed and everything valuable was gone, I turned my living room corner to see my dad laying on the floor.. a hole through his stomach and blood everywhere.

"no not my daddy" I fell to the floor in tears. I shook him but he wouldn't wake up, I screamed and shouted but there was nothing. I pulled my phone out and called an ambulance but I knew they were too late.

I kissed my dad on the forehead and held his hand. He wasn't breathing. "daddy I love you. don't leave me. DAD PLEASE. I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY GOODBYE"

Then I heard the paramedics come in and I was pulled away from him. He was gone


"And the rest is a blur" I told jai, tears streaming down my face, even he had tears in his eyes.

" and you have no idea who it was?" he asked

" nope" I told him popping the p.

he pulled me closer and hugged me

"will you come to the cemetery with me tomorrow" I asked him looking at him in hope.

"yes , of course I will abs. but get some sleep, its late, text me when you wake up and I will come and get you okay?" he replied getting up and kissing my forehead the way I kissed my fathers.

I nodded and slowly fell asleep as he left the room.



I have been awake for some while now and jai just text me telling me he's now leaving as I am now ready to go so I grabbed the flowers that my Aunt linda went out to buy me early this morning, roses - two bunches and ran out of the house to be greeted by jai at the front gate.

"ready?" he asked grabbing my hand and I nodded as we walked to the train station - baring in mind where my dad and mum were buried was the other side of Melbourne as that is where I lived at the time.

The whole train journey was relaxing , me and jai were in a comfortable silence most of the time.

When we got off the train the cemetery was literally 2 minutes away so it didn't take long to get there.

as we entered I took a deep breath and jai grabbed my hand. I knew exactly where it was. My father payed for my mothers grave stone and I rememeber that it read:

' in loving memory of Amelia Cartright, a wonderful wife, sister and mother'

and I had given all my lifes saving to buy my fathers and have it next to hers saying:

'in loving memory of David Cartright, a wonderful husband and father'

As we approached where the graves were I could see something wasn't right.

"oh my god" I said, letting go of Jais hand and running towards the gravestones and falling to my knees in front of them. how could someone do this?

Jai ran towards me and his face dropped at the sight.

Both once beautiful gravestones had been vandalised. Each covered in red spray paint crossing out the picture of each of my parents and the words about them and the flower beds destroyed and yellow paint smeared everywhere.

I immediately burst into tears.

" I know who did this" I sobbed as Jai hugged me trying to calm me down.

"who?" he asked.

"it was them. The three people who just love to hurt me. Whitney, Josh and lewis" I cried out.

I cant believe this.. actually no, I can believe it, none of them had real hearts.

Jai Brooks is my HeroWhere stories live. Discover now