i'll be with you soon mum and dad.

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me and jai left, that was 2 weeks ago now. We told them that I wanted milkshake and jai was showing me where to go. seen as I am from the other side of Melbourne I don't know my way.

Jai turned out to be the sweetest boy and we have gotten pretty close, he showed me around the area and we did end up getting milkshakes and seeing as there has been a problem with the decorating at his place he is still staying at mine.

"Abs..." jai spoke up, we were watching Pretty little liars. "mm?" I replied focused on the tv programme. "can I ask you something?"

"sure" I was nervous now, what did he want to know.

" Well, you always talk about how much you hate your old school, what was so bad about it?" he looked as though he was afraid of what I might react.

" urm, I-ur.." pull yourself together Abs its in the past. " I got bullied" I shrugged.

jais jaw dropped "Abbie i'm so sorry, I hope you're okay"

"yeah,well life sucks," I shrugged. " don't say that , i'm here now, so it's better and if you ever want to talk about it i'm here" he smiled placing his hand on my knee. Don't ask me why but it sent tingles through my body. I can't help but have a little bit of hope when i'm around him, when i'm alone I just want the world to stop, I want to just sleep and not awake. " Thanks jai " I responded " but i'm not ready for that yet, i'm not good at opening up and shit."

" I understand" he smiled and I decided to change the topic. I grabbed his beanie from his head and made a run for it. "Hey!" he immediately chased me I ran to the kitchen to the other side of the marble island in the middle. he was now the opposite side. he went to run in one direction and I went the opposite straight into my bedroom and I jumped on the bed and curled in a ball hugging his beanie so he couldn't get to it. Jai ran in after me and jumped on top of me and tickled me until I gave in. " never steal my hat!" he joked as we both laughed. That's when he saw it. I didn't realised that my hoodie sleeve was up from the tickling fight. "Abbie- who, why ?" he trailed off. I pushed him off me and ran into the bathroom locking the door. he knew. no-one knew.

Jai knocked at the door. "Abs, I know you can hear me. who made you feel this way? was it those bullies? Abbie i'm here for you, I want to help you. let me help. i'll fucking find the cunts who did this if I have to" he seemed upset. He cannot become too attached to me. i'm not here permanently. " listen Abbie, I need to go home, mum needs me to help carry the stuff. i'll be back soon and you know where I am if you need to talk." he sighed and I waited to hear the front door open and shut until I exited the bathroom, with a handful of tissues. Luckily Aunt Linda was at work, I was alone. I went to my bedroom and fished for my box , in it was a makeup pot but inside wasn't make up.. it was where I kept my blades.

I rose my sleeve and began.

One cut- I miss my father,

two cuts- I hate myself,

three cuts- i'm worthless just like the bullies said I am.

three cuts- i'm left with no parents

four and five cuts - a goodbye to my life.

I grabbed the tissues and placed them over the now dripping cuts using pressure to stop the bleeding. Next I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote everything I needed to say so everyone , mainly to Linda and jai. Finally I grabbed the other item in my box, the tub of pills. I popped off the cap and poured them into my hands before inserting them into my mouth as tears began to stream down my face and I swallowed. This was it for me. I layed back on my bed waiting for what was about to happen. As I layed I saw that jai had left his beanie on the bed, i grabbed it and hugged as I closed "mum, dad, ill be with you soon" I whispered as I closed my eyes and darkness overcame me as if a whole weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Jai PoV.

shit. I forgot my beanie. " mum be right back I wanna get my hat" I called as I left my front door and walked down the street to linda and Abbie's. I let myself in the side gate and into the back door. I must have left it in Abs room. I hope she's okay.. The house was silent. "Abs?" I called... no answer. " Abbie?" I was now panicking I rushed to her room swinging her door open revealing Abbie laying across her bed asleep. I shook her gently, then I shook he harder. why wasn't she waking up? I moved her and saw she was hugging my beanie and also saw the fresh cuts up her arms. "no no no abs what have you done!"

to her side I saw a note. I scanned the words and immediately sobbed. " Abbie please you have to wake up, Abbie I need you, i'm so glad I met you and I can't lose you now please abs , please I cried." the empty tub of pills was on the floor, a few extra scattered around. I grabbed the phone and dialled my mums number. " PLEASE MUM YOU HAVE TO HELP CALL AN AMBULANCE ITS ABBIE SHES DYING ,I THINK SHE TOOK PILLS AND, PLEASE MUM HELP HER" I cried down the phone then chucked it to the floor. I checked for a pulse, there was a very slow one but she was still there. I grabbed her and cradled her in a hug, gently kissing her forehead, still crying, a few minutes later the door opened and my mum followed by the paramedics came rushing in taking her from me.

"get her in the ambulance now" one demanded and they carried her off, my mum was the adult so she had to do with her and i'd meet them there as only one could go in the ambulance. I called beau and waited for him to come and get me.

I was starting to feel for Abbie, I couldn't lose her.


ahhhh;c I got emotional writing this.. so the suicide letter will be in the next chapter incase you were wondering.


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