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Jais PoV

There is no way she went to sleep, she's hiding something. She was fine when she went to talk to beau, she wouldn't go to bed with out saying goodnight.

"Beau what the fuck did you say"

"Nothing, she was just fucking tired bro, calm the fuck down" he retorted.

" I need to check on her." I told him now getting worried. "Leave her man, she's sleeping" how could he be sure of that? Beau left the room and I realised that I'd left my phone in Abbie's room earlier and now she'd locked the door. But I wanted to ring her, then if she was asleep it would wake her up, or she might think it's important. I saw that beau had left his phone on the side, so I'd use that instead.

I unlocked his phone, his passcode was simple, straight down the middle. Idiot. When it opened it was already on Abbie's contact with the texts on the screen, I didn't mean to snoop but I saw my name.

Abbie said she needed something, beau took them? And he had said that she needed me not them. What could she possibl- then I realised. Shit, what if she's cutting. She'd surely find something to use. She needs me and I'm not there. I need to get into her room.

I ran into the backgarden, to the right of a massive tree is Abbie's balcony, i began climbing the tree. I almost slipped a few times but I wasn't stopping for anything or anyone. I know it sounds stupid and that i couldn't know for sure that this is what she was doing but what else could it be that she would get so defensive over?

I reached the top and stuck my leg out onto the balconies bars followed by one arm and the rest of my limbs. I hopped over onto the balcony surface and looked through the window to reveal a distraught Abbie walking out of her bathroom that was linked to her bedroom.

She was crying, she sat down and was rocking back and forth. What was in her hand? It was a razor. She placed it on the floor and picked up a box and chucked it onto the razor, causing it to break. I stood there frozen as she picked up the blade that had broken apart from the plastic shaver. No I would not let her do this.

My body unfroze and I pulled the balcony door open and dashed inside. She has already presses the blade into her arm but was yet to swipe it. "ABBIE NO" i shouted as I picked her up in my arms and chucked her blade across the room.

"No no no no no no" she cried in my arms holding onto my shirt. " I can't do this Jai, I don't want to be hear anymore and I don't want to hurt you"

" what do you mean?" I asked now begging to cry. "I mean, i really like you, but I hate myself and I don't want to live anymore, but by feeling this way I'm hurting you" she sobbed

" what are you saying" I was confused. " Jai we need to stop this, I know we were never official but we need to be apart, because one day when I'm gone, you'll be hurt." She cried into my chest "no" is all I could say. " the sooner you become unattached. The sooner you'll stop hurting" she told me and at this moment I felt my whole world come crashing down. I need her. I- I love her.

" don't say this Abbie, I need you. We can do this, I can help you. I will come to counciling with you, please Abbie. Don't leave me." I cried out loud.

" I am so sorry" is the last words she said as she unlatched her self from me and ran over to the door Turing the lock and and opening it before running out. I couldn't move. All I could do was cry.

Abbies PoV.

It was for the best.

One day I'll go. I'll be with my parents and I couldn't hurt him in the process. As much as I'd love to be happy i can't.

When I'm with Jai I'm happy but he cannot be there 24/7.

I ran into the back garden onto the patio and no further otherwise Jai would see me from my balcony, if he was in my room still that is. I didn't hear him come after me I just heard cries.

"Abbie" beau was behind Me. " what's happened?"

" I've had to stop what me and Jai had , for his own good, hurting me is hurting him" I explained

" abs, you leaving him is hurting him more than ever. Don't you see that?"

"Of course I do but he'll get over it" i shrugged as if it was nothing, but I know that it really wasn't.

" let me help you. AND BEFORE you cut me off. I can help you get better, I'll do what ever it takes. You don't have to get back with Jai or whatever you guys were, well yet anyway. But we can try our best to make you happy and fix you. And then maybe one day-"

"I can go back to how it was with Jai" I finished his sentence causing him to nod. I began crying and he pulled me into a hug.

"Help me get better, beau"


I don't know why I feel as though this chapter is so short.

There's this really sad song piece called baby, never cut and it is honestly so sad. Go check it out on YouTube. It's really good so it's the name of the next chapter!

But what happens next ?! Next chapter VERY soon.

Vote and all that jazz


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