Be mine.

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"GOOD LUCK" Georgia shouted from the bottom of the drive way. It was 5 to 7 and I was ready, geo had come over to help out.

I was wearing a black skater dress with a gold belt and my hair was curled down my back, I had black flats on and I was patiently waiting for jai, I was overly nervous.

I sat and hummed to myself until I heard a knock at the door and I ran to it swinging it open and there was jai. He wore a white button up shirt with a black suit and tie and black skinny jeans. HOT.

"You're gorgeous" he smiled.

"i was just about to say the same thing" I smirked.

He took my hand and we walked down the pathway. I looked around checking for dangers.

"you're safe, I promise. Talk to me and don't worry about anything else" he smiled.

"okay.. so where we going" I asked him

we turned a corner. " we are here" he told me. we stood in front of a small park but I didn't question what he had planned one bit.

"come on this way" he directed me. We walked through and passed all the play equipment and through a bushed area and down a small hill. "here"

Remember before when I said that my eyes would probably never light up again? yeah well I was wrong and they just did.

There was a picnic blanket placed on the ground, under a tree surrounded by flowers growing from the ground, there were red lanterns hanging from the tree lit up and it all looked so cute.

"hardly anyone comes here, its why the flowers are all still so beautiful." jai explained.

"jai.. this is the definition of perfect." I grinned.

We sat on the blanket and jai opened the basket and removed all the foods from inside. There was:


Squirty cream,





all of my favourite foods.

" my favourites" I lauged.

"i know"

jai pulled out a bowl and squirted all the cream into it so we could dip the strawberries in it.

We both began eating and he even done that cute movie thing when he feeds me the strawberry. He is adorable.

"look up" he smiled.

I looked up and saw that there was a perfect view of the sky and the stars.

" it's beautiful, isn't it?" he looked to me.

"yeah it is.. you never struck me as someone who cared about nature and stuff" I laughed.

"yeah? well I know something beautiful when I see it"

we laid back on the blanket and I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me and we looked up at the stars.

"when I was little my dad used to tell me that each stars represent every good thing that will happen to you in a life time.. even if they're small" I told jai. " and he used to say that you don't always see the good things, like during the day you cannot see the stars, but at night time, when it's too late, you notice them all"

" I wish I could've got to meet your dad" jai smiled to me.

" yeah, he would have loved you. I had a dream about it.. you were too interested in him to pay any attention to me " I giggled.

Jai Brooks is my HeroWhere stories live. Discover now