The Bridge

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"You're worthless and you are ugly" whitney laughed

"you want to die that badly? go fucking kill yourself. No-one wants you" josh joined in

"look at you, disgusting" lewis sneared his nose up at me

whitney pushed me to the floor and josh kicked me in the ribs and leaned down and whispered. " you deserve to die.. just look at you. You shouldn't be here you ugly excuse of a girl. Leave this world now before its too late"

I screamed.

I woke up screaming and crying. It was just a dream. But it was right wasn't it.

I looked at my clock and it was 8:38pm.

I sat up in bed. Every thing in the dream was true. All my memories of the hard times came flooding back. How could I be so stupid to think that everything was going to be okay. It wasn't. Soon enough I would be going through it all again, i'll lose someone else and I had to stop that from happening.

Aunt Linda finished work at 9pm so I had a good 30 minutes as it took her 10 minutes to drive home. My shoes were still on but it was late so I would need a hoodie. I grabbed Jais black hoodie and put it on and took a deep breath.

I ran to the kitchen and wrote "I LOVE YOU" on a piece of scrap paper and put it on a fridge using a magnet and ran for the front door.

I ran to the gate and attemted to open it but it was jammed shut. I kicked it in anger, causing it to make a creaking noise. After a few noisy shakes I managed to pull it open and leave the drive way.

I walked down the road thinking to myself.. back to the day that Whitney turned on me.


"whitney, are you coming round for tea tonight? dads coming to pick us up" I informed her.

"sorry, I can't now. I am going to Joshuas for dinner instead" she shook her head.

"but you said-"

"Yeah well we have been friends since we were 6, Abbie. I've been round yours for tea plenty of times.. im 13 now, it's about time I get to know some more people..boys. don't ruin it for me" she snapped.

She's 13 and acting like she is going to be in a serious relationship with this guy. Just then Josh and Lewis approached us.

"Actually.. you have held me back for too long. You're too childish.. I don't even want to be your friend anymore" she said loud enough so they and everyone else could hear and then they all laughed together.

"glad you got rid of that rat" josh told her smirking.

I walked off almost in tears. It would all blow over, right?


"Ha. guess I was wrong" I said to myself bitterly as I walked further down the street.

Then I thought back to the day I met Jai.


I woke up on my new bed, but not in it. I must've drifted off to sleep. I looked at my iPhone 5 phone screen to see that i'd been asleep for roughly an hour and then it occurred to me that I could hear my auntie talking to herself. I decided to investigate. " aunt linda" I called. I turned the corner and found my self up against a blue wall. what the- oh wait its not a wall its a person. " I- i'm , sorry.." I looked down and didn't fully look to see exactly who I was infront of , I just knew it was a guy. i'm bad at socialising, i was bullied at my old school.

"its okay, i'm jai, you must be Abbie." she smiled. " My mother, gina, is your aunts best friend and we live two doors down from here" he continued and lifted my head by my chin slightly to bring me to look at him. I was trying to smile, I promise. my eyes met his, not to sound like a sap but oh my he was mighty fine. perfect would be a good way to describe him. "oh yeah" I said looking down again.

" Linda said you were shy. its cute."


I Smiled to myself. I knew I liked him from that moment to be honest, it just took a while to admit to myself.

I was now at the bridge I had visited with jai and my dad when I was little.

I had that feeling again..

I ignored it.

This bridge really was cute but it was a long drop.. but that's okay.

I held onto the side and took a deep breath before lifting one leg over, followed by the other.

My feet were on the edge and my hands on the barrier. I was ready to jump. The water looked very deep and crazy but soothing.

"This is it" I whispered to my self. I lifted one foot ready to let myself fall and lifted one arm and-

Just as I was about to fall someone grabbed my arm.

I looked up to see Jai.

Jais POV

I grabbed her arm. No way was I letting this happen.

" Jai what are you-" she began as I lifted her over the barrier. "Doing" she finished as I placed her on the ground.

" Abbie... You promised" I sighed.
" I heard all the noise from your gate and saw you leaving and it was dark to I thought I better see where you were going and if you were safe and.."

"Jai I'm sorry. It was just.. I had a nightmare and I know I haven't felt this way in such a long time.. I didn't know what to do." She shook my head in shame and let a tear leave her eye.

" talk to me. Like all the other times... It will help" he sighed hugging me. " Abbie I get scared to leave you incase you do something..." I let one leave mine too.

" I will from now on.. I promise. I can't promise not to feel like this but I can promise to come straight to you"

" Thankyou " I smiled.

" I thought for sure that I was ready to go... Then I saw you.. What are you doing to me Jai?" She laughed.

" I am showing you love" I grinned cheasilly. " let's go home. Linda will be back any minute" I pulled her up and we walked down the road hand in hand.

Thank god I followed her.

" Jai.. I feel like we're being followed" she stopped and told me. " I felt it when I was going to the bridge too"

" that was probably me following you.. But I'm with you now" I said with a confused look and then I looked around. Nothing.

" let's just get back" she said and we stared walking at a fast pace.

We soon arrived home and I was confident that she wasn't going to hurt herself and that she would tell me how she was feeling and she said she changed her mind when she saw me so all I have to do is be there for her.

She is getting stronger and I am proud of her.

"Goodnight" I smiled an gave her a kiss on the lips.
" goodnight" she smiled.

I watched her walk up into her house before walking into mine. In the corner of my eye I could see Linda arriving home... But now I had that feeling that someone was following us.

I looked around and no one was there so I decided that it was probably Linda arriving home.

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