Happy birthday.

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It has taken us hours to put this place together with the help of my mum and Linda. Beau went out and got the food, drinks and we borrowed a mate of ours karaoke system. Everything looked good.

I was in black jeans and a black buttoned up shirt with a white tie. Luke was in the opposite and beau had on everything black. Skip and James both had black jeans and white shirts and white ties and I like to think we all looked pretty smart.

Most guests arrived at 6:30 so they were here before Abbie and Georgia and everyone was standing around with their first drinks waiting as the music played in the background.

My phone beeped.

From: Geo.
Round the corner.

"SHES COMING" I shouted and everyone spread out getting ready to great her. Beau stopped the music and stood ready to switch it back on when she entered. Luke switched the lights off.

A few moments later I received another text.

From: Geo

"Ready everyone?" I whispered.

Then the front door was heard opening.
My heart began to beat rapidly.

It was time!

Abbie's POV.

I walked into the house and it was awfully silent. Me and Geo walked through the corridor and I walked opened the living room door.

I began speaking, not paying attention to my surroundings "hurry u-"

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABBIE" a massive crowd of voices screamed and music started blaring out loud and the lights switched on. There was so many people! How did they know!

Everyone was in black and white and then you just had me in purple. Ah I see what they did there. I couldn't believe what was before my eyes.

My hand reached my mouth and I gasped. They did this. For me. And it was... It was freaking amazing. Perfect.

I finally let out a squeal of excitement. Why was I enjoying this? I don't know but I was.

The first thing I done was ran to Jai and Pratically jumped in his arms as everyone cheered. Then Luke's, followed by Beau, James and skips.

"Oh my god! You guys" I laughed.

Everyone began dancing and I was handed a drink of punch. I turned to Geo and grabbed her into a hug. " you set me up biachhh" I laughed.

" enjoy the night girl, you deserve it" she laughed.

The room was full of people that I'd met ever since I had been here. I didn't know them very well but was so glad that they all came. It was perfection.

Then Jai walked over. I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach as Geo walked away and left us alone. I looked up into his eyes. " was this your idea?"

" guilty" he smiled. He was adorable.

"Look over there." I glanced to where he was pointing to see a boy I recognised. " oh my god. MARCUS" I screamed. I ran to him, passed Daniel and geo dancing together, and jumped into his open arms and he spun me around.

I was literally about to cry. My only friend from my old school was here. " don't cry Abbie you'll ruin the make up" he laughed while pulling me into a hug.

" I missed you so much" I told him.
" I missed you too! Sucks with out you" he sighed.

Marcus was in the year above me, he had friends in his year but he would always stick by me so I wasn't alone. He was with me in my darkest moments. We had been messaging each other since I had left and I suppose that's how Jai knew about him and knew to get him to come and I was so glad that he did.

Jai Brooks is my HeroWhere stories live. Discover now