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From Luke:
Hurry up. We're waiting.

The boys were baiting outside, I was running a little late.

I ran to the door and out of it.

" took your fucking time." Luke moaned.

" it's Friday cut me some slack" I laughed.

So I got daisy on Tuesday and it's now Friday. We have been Bezzie mates ever since we met haha. So it was Friday and everyone was super tired.

" I can't be bothered for today" I wined as we arrived at school.
We had gym first. I wore shorts under my skirt and slipped my joggers on underneath the skirt before taking it off. Then I just hid my arms from view while I put the hoodie on. It was all jais idea, pretty clever right? That way only a few scars were visible why I was changing and a simple cat lie would make the cut!

Oh I got my gym uniform the other day incase you were wondering.

"Ready" Georgia asked "yass" I replied and we exited the changing rooms to find the boys.

" last lesson dodge ball got a bit too violent." The teacher said glaring in our direction. Yeah we got abit carried away.. " so we are switching sports, to volley ball" as he said this we all groaned. Volley ball is a opportunity for stuck up girls to show off and try to look good for the boys. It's stupid.

A office lady walked into the room and we looked over but then everyone began talking as she spoke to the teacher. " volley ball won't be as good as do-" Georgia began but was cut off by sir telling everyone to shut up.

" Jai Brooks, Luke Brooks, James Yammouni and Abbie Cartright. Here please?" Sir said and everyone 'oooed' as if we were in trouble.
We walked over to him and he made us come to the far side of the gym to talk to us in privacy.

" there has been an emergency regarding your families, you have been wanted home immediately, Jai and Luke's older brother is on his way so get changed quickly, I hope everything is okay " he told us with a concerned look.

My heart started beating faster that and gun shot. What had happened that involved our families? I didn't even know James' family. All the boys looked worried too.

" what-" I began but the office lady cut me off " come on, the sooner you get out of here the sooner you can see them" she said with sympathy. I hate fucking sympathy.

As we rushed back to the changing rooms all these horrid thoughts rushed through my mind. What If i lost Linda, my last family member. What if the whole street was on fire. What the fuck has it got to do with James, no disrespect, he's lovely and I'm sure his family is too. But why would all of us be called.

I got changed freeley due to the fact that no one was around. I rushed out and the boys were already waiting.

" I'm really worried" Luke admitted.
"thank fuck I'm not the only one" Jai also admitted.
" what if-" I said looking down as we walked.
"Don't think the worst abs" James told Me.

We reached the front of the school where beau and who I'm pretty sure was Daniel was sitting in the car. They both looked pretty happy.

Jai opened the door. "What the fuck is going on" he asked in a worried manor.

" nothing we just have something sick to tell you all" Daniel laughed. " nice to finally meet you by the way Abbie"

A whole weight was lifted off my shoulders. " yeah hi " I forced a smile. I was so annoyed I got myself all worked up for nothing.

"You cunts" Jai shouted
"Fucking idiot" Luke joined

"'What they mean is we were all fucking worried" I explained seeing as no one else was.

"What the fucks going on then" James finally asked.

"Get in" beau said.

He made us wait till we got home to tell us. We were now all gathered in the brooks living room.

" okay " Beau began. " so me and skip got a call today from management, you know the one we were out with a few months back? And you never guess what they want us to do?" Beau was getting overly excited.

We all looked at each other, no one had a clue.

" they want us to tour!!" skip finally announced.

The boys went from silent to roaring with excitement. I sat and laughed at them all as they cheered.

" not the whole world just some gigs around Australia, but we will have to stay in different places." Beau stated

"They said if we keep getting big enough with the public we could get a world one later on" Daniel finished.

Everyone was so happy and I loved it. They all looked so cute. Especially Jai.

" urm so why am I out of school" I piped up.
" just to get the day off really, duh" beau laughed.

I nodded in approval.

" LETS CELEBRATE" James shouted.

Everyone agreed.

"How" I asked.

Skip ran over to the stereo and put a cd in and pressed play. Nirvana started playing majorly load and all the boys started dancing like idiots.

I didn't know what to do at this point, I'm awkward like that.

Jai ran over and grabbed my arms and started dancing with me I tried to resist but I eventually gave in. They weren't afraid to look like idiots so I shouldn't be too, right ? Right.

That's when I realised. I haven't craved a blade in so long. These boys made me happy. I wrote everything that I felt now. I was so thankful. I love them all. I had finally got a fresh start.

Maybe soon ill be able to give me and Jai another shot.

I hope that will be soon.


Yeah another short chapter. Next one should get longer. I have a lot planned for this book so stay tuneeeeeed xxx

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