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Abbies Pov.

Jai was nearly at the end of the song when I could feel my eye muscles tensing, I was slowly gaining control of my body.

I managed to flicker my eyes. Come on Abbie.

My eyes slowly opened, the light shone onto my eyes causing me to squint until I could see Jai. He gasped and enveloped me into a hug.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou" he repeatedly spoke with such joy, he really does care about me.

"you can sing" I smirked as its the only thing I could think to say.

"and you, scared me to death." he told me looking straight into my eyes, I gazed back and kinda got lost in them. damn. After a few seconds my aunt walked in.

"oh my gosh Abbie, babe you're awake" she ran to my side and hugged me us rocking back and forth. " you scared me, never do that again none of us want to lose you, I love you precious!" she smiled but I could see it in her eyes that she was upset.

" I just-" I began." i'm sorry I couldn't do it anymore." sighed.

"honey, everything gets better, you do not have to take your own life because of it. you will never be a burden to me, I love you." she hugged me again.

"we all do" gina finished I smiled and nodded.



it's been two days since I have woke up, im now home as I was discharged thi morning, apparently if Jai had found me any later I would have died. I'm so sorry but I still wish I did.

Me and Jai haven't spoke about what he said to me, I'm not sure if he even knows that I heard him. I like him too. As much as I'd like him to know that, what's the point when I don't even know how long I can cope.

"ABSTER" Jai boomed through the door.

"Never call me that." I told him. I had decided to ask him about the things he said. "Jai.." He looked over to me and sat at the edge of my bed, I was in it. " I could hear you Yano. In the hospital." I smiled and looked down.

" oh er, you could?" He also looked down as though he was too shy to look me in the eyes. He looked so cute, he made me happy. At this moment I wanted to try to get better, for him.

" you said you like me, what did you mean" I asked

Jai thought for a few minutes. " fuck it" he said to himself then he placed his hand on my cheek, looked me in the eyes and leant in.

His lips collided with mine and he kissed me, I didn't hesitate to kiss back, I shocked myself there. Our lips moved together perfectly and my stomach was going wild.

We pulled away and looked at each other.

"I like you too" I smiled.

He pulled me into a hug, he gives the best hugs, I never wanted to leave his arms.



It's been 2 weeks since the day me and jai told each other that we like each other. We've kissed a lot more since then, but nothing too intimate. I can happily say I haven't cut for the whole two weeks and Jai and myself are both proud. I can't say that I haven't wanted to do it, but at least I haven't.

" let's go for a walk" Jai said the other side of the couch. He was still staying over even though his house was done , he wanted to help me. I said it's fine but he insisted. " okay" I smiled.

We grabbed our shoes before putting them on and leaving the house via the front door, as we walked down the path Jai grabbed my hand and tangled our fingers together, this sent tingles up my arms that I could never get tired of.

We walked in a comfortable silence until we came to a bridge. "I've seen this bridge before" I said just confused as the look on jais face.

"I'm pretty sure my dad brought me here when I was little , at night. I just remember how beautiful it looked, it must've been when we had come to visit aunt Linda, that was the only time I'd met her before now" I smiled.

" it's is gorgeous" he smiled " your gorgeous" he smiled even wider.

" Jai you sap" I played. We sat down, dangling out legs over the cute bridge. My sleeve slipped slightly, I didn't care though as Jai had seen it before anyway. He picked up my arm and kissed the now scarred marks on my arm. I looked up at him and held onto his arm resting my he'd on his shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes and I was in a car.

"What the-" I yelled

"Relax your in my car" beau laughed. "You fell asleep, Jai called me and asked me to pick you guys up"

I looked around for Jai and realised he was in the passenger seat. "Oh okay"

" how about we go get Luke and do something together you guys all go back to school soon, may as well make the most of it" beau suggested.

"Yeah okay" me and Jai said in unison. Causing us all to laugh. As the car drove along I thought about the dream I had just had. My father was still alive in it and he and Jai got on so well that I felt left out. My, how I wish he could've met Jai.

I miss my daddy.


Hi guys,

sorry this chapters not the longest but basically, ALOT of the chapters are already written and I just have to click publish so all you have to do is VOTE and COMMENT

ITS JAI AND LUKES BIRTHDAY TODAY :D Happy birthday to my fav twins xxxx

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